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16-104 St. Mary's Primary School - New Extension and Associated Siteworks to St. ....
Buyer : St. Mary’s Primary School (Dungarvan)
New Extension and Associated Siteworks to St. Mary's Primary School, Youghal Road, Dungaravan, Co. Waterford, X35 TN99 comprising the construction of a new extension and associated siteworks to the existing school of c.290m2. Works requirements will ....
1858 Scoil Eoin Phoil Extensions - 1858 Scoil Eoin Phoil II GP Hall & SET Room E ....
Buyer : Scoil Eoin Phoil II
Construction of single storey extensions located to the South and West of the existing School building consisting of a new GP Hall, 2 No. SET Rooms, together with internal alterations to the existing school to facilitate the proposed works and all as ....
1713 St. Josephs GNS Extension - 1713 St. Joseph's GNS Mountmellick New 2 Classr ....
Buyer : St. Josephs Girls National School (Mountmellick)
Construction of a single storey extension consisting of 2no. classrooms and assisted user WC, the removal/demolition of existing single classroom prefab and new pedestrian crossings along with new set-down area to front of school, together with all a ....
Proposed New Extension & associated siteworks at Grange National School, Grange, ....
Construction of a single storey extension to an existing school consisting of 2 new classrooms, central activity space, office, store, multi-sensory room, new accessible toilet facilities, safe spaces and stores along with all associated siteworks
Construction of a New Extension to an Existing Community Centre & Associated Sit ....
Buyer : Paulstown Development Association
Construction of a new single storey extension to an existing Community Centre to include a new meeting room, kitchen and associated accessible toilet. To include all associated siteworks.
St Tola's National School - Pre-fabricated/Modular classroom and all associated ....
Buyer : St. Tola’s National School (Tullyglass)
Pre-fabricated/Modular classroom and all associated groundworks/siteworks at St Tola's National School, Shannon, Co. Clare
RFT 20/21 - Energy Retrofit Works, New Biomass Heat Centre and associated Sitewo ....
Buyer : Letterkenny Institute of Technology
Works are divided into four separate sections as follows;1. Rooftop Retrofit Works Deep retrofit of a 1,200sq.m rooftop extension to the main educational building on the Letterkenny Campus. The extension is a light weight steel structure constructed ....
LCETB/2022/037 - Proposed Extension, Refurbishment Works and Associated Sitework ....
Buyer : Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board
The works involve the construction of a new classroom building along with alteration / refurbishment works to existing classrooms and toilet facilities within the school. A new fire tender access road is also being constructed alsowith general site s ....
3086 - Construction of 8no. Houses, 4no. Apartments, community room and all asso ....
Buyer : South Dublin County Council
Construction of 8no. Houses, 4no. Apartments, community room and all associated siteworks at Brady’s Court, Old Bawn, Tallaght, Dublin 24
2140 Banagher FETC for LOETB - Proposed Conversion of Workshop & Extension to Bl ....
Buyer : Laois and Offaly Education and Training Board (Offaly)
Demolition of existing Prefab extension, proposed Conversion of Existing Store to new metal Workshop with internal alterations, the construction of a new Store extension adjoining existing building, new ramped & step access, the provision of new conc ....
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