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PLEASE NOTE: The tender process for this Monitoring Evaluation and Learning for Green Urban Growth in Somalia (MEL-GUG) itt_6537 is now set to proceed from the 27 November 2024. All the tender documents and the new timetable have been updated in the ....
PLEASE NOTE: due to circumstances beyond FCDO's control, FCDO is pausing tender process for this Monitoring Evaluation and Learning for Green Urban Growth in Somalia (MEL-GUG) itt_6537. Therefore, the advise is not to continue with any work on the pr ....
The Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (“FCDO”) intend to engage the market in relation to this project as part of market engagement activity in accordance with Regulation 40 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The purpose of this ....
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is planning to publish a tender opportunity for the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning contract for the Green Urban Growth programme in Somalia by mid July 2024. The Opportunity Notice and Contract ....
The Provision of Mobile Close Protection Service for BE Mogadishu and BO Hargeis ....
Buyer : Unknown
The provision of mobile close protection service for BE Mogadishu and BO Hargeisa in Somalia.
Somalia static security guarding
Buyer : Unknown
Our objective is to ensure the safety and security of HMG and other personnel who come under FCO duty of care in Somalia. The successful contractor will provide static guarding for the FCO and PAGs operating on our platforms in Mogadishu. We seek an ....
Provision of Life Support Services in Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia.
Life Support Services including Catering, Cleaning, Laundry, Facilities Management, Gardening, Waste Removal, Vermin Control, Medical Services, Vehicle Repair and Maintenance, Generator Maintenance, Shop and Bar facilities.
On the 6th January 2025 the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) awarded a contract for the delivery of a Green Urban Growth (GUG) programme in Somalia to DT Global International Development UK LTD. The Contract is due to run until 31 ....
This contract will provide technical support to Somalia's security sector in the design and implementation of the National Security Architecture.
This contract is to provide the FCDO in Somalia with services that support: programme-wide and project-level monitoring feedback on the quality of activities, outputs, and outcomes (and/or the signal of process towards outcomes) and monitoring of key ....
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