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Provision of mitigation measures for the impact of new housing development withi ....
Buyer : West Northamptonshire Council
Contract with the Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs and Northants, and the Nene Rivers Trust for mitigation measures for the impacts of new housing development within 3km of Unit 1 of the Upper Nene Valley Gravel Pits Special Protection Area
To establish baseline data on predator abundance and behaviour in and around a s ....
Buyer : natural england
A quotation is sought to establish baseline data on mammalian predator abundance and behaviour within two locations in the South Pennines Moors SPA. This contract will set up a network of trail cameras in and around two wooded cloughs (valleys) and t ....
Commission specialist consultants on the Wealden Heaths Phase II Special Protect ....
Buyer : east hampshire district council
Commission specialist consultants on the Wealden Heaths Phase II Special Protection Area to carry out a Habitats Regulations Assessment and supporting evidence base for the East Hampshire Local Plan
Digital aerial low tide survey and validation study of digital aerial survey met ....
Buyer : natural england
Natural England is seeking a contractor to complete five tasks under this contract. Task 1) To design and conduct one high resolution / definition digital aerial survey of the entire Morecambe Bay and Duddon Estuary SPA this winter (2023/24) at low t ....
Shore-based low tide counts and validation study of digital aerial survey method ....
Buyer : natural england
Natural England is seeking a contractor to complete three tasks under this contract. Task 1) To deliver a programme of 4 (four) once monthly (November 2023 - February 2024) standardised shore-based surveys of the abundance and distribution of all wad ....
Identifying the combined effect of developed land on the availability of potenti ....
Buyer : natural england
The aim of this project is to create comprehensive maps of development within 10 km of the Humber Estuary Special Protection Area (SPA) to provide an overview of changes and trends in land use and availability of potential functionally linked land. T ....
Wintering Hen Harrier Survey of the Humber Estuary Special Protection Area (SPA) ....
Buyer : natural england
Natural England would like a wintering hen harrier survey to be undertaken on the Humber Estuary during the wintering months (November 2022 - March 2023). It will follow the methodology outlined in Bird Monitoring Methods: A Manual of Techniques for ....
Digital Aerial Surveys of The Solway Firth Special Protection Area
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
Call-off from Digital Aerial surveys for Seabirds and Marine Mammals in English and Welsh Waters, framework. Survey of Solway Firth for mNCEA project.
Provision of External Services for Strategic Access Management & Monitoring (SAM ....
Buyer : east hampshire district council
Provision of External Services for Strategic Access Management & Monitoring (SAMM) for the Wealden Heath Phase II Special Protection Area (SPA)
FM21014 - Specialist Environmental Technical Support - Review of Consents for Sp ....
*** Please note this is an Award Notice and not a call for Competition, this Contract has been awarded via an Open Market Competition (Non-OJEU) *** The final date and time for the submission of bids is Tuesday 16th February 2021 at 11:00am. DO NOT a ....
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