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Supply of Stable Isotope Reference Analysis Service for Pork and Pork products
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
AHDB, through its Pork division, is the owner of a SIRA (Stable Isotope Reference Analysis) database of pork reference samples taken from known farms throughout the UK and a number of other EU countries. The data is used to audit provenance claims fo ....
For the Supply of Stable Isotope Reference Analysis Service for Pork and Pork Pr ....
Buyer : agriculture and horticulture development board
AHDB, through its Pork division, is the owner of a SIRA (Stable Isotope Reference Analysis) database of pork reference samples taken from known farms throughout the UK and a number of other EU countries. The data is used to audit provenance claims fo ....
AHDB, through its BPEX division, is the owner of a SIRA (Stable Isotope Reference Analysis) database of pork reference samples taken from known farms throughout the UK and a number of other EU countries. The data is used to audit provenance claims fo ....
Supply of Stable Isotope Reference Analysis Service for Pork and Pork products
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
AHDB, through its Pork division, is the owner of a SIRA (Stable Isotope Reference Analysis) database of pork reference samples taken from known farms throughout the UK and a number of other EU countries. The data is used to audit provenance claims fo ....
Supply of Stable Isotope Reference Analysis Service for Pork and Pork products
Buyer : Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board
AHDB, through its Pork division, is the owner of a SIRA (Stable Isotope Reference Analysis) database of pork reference samples taken from known farms throughout the UK and a number of other EU countries. The data is used to audit provenance claims fo ....
For the supply of Stable Isotope reference analysis service for Pork and Pork pr ....
Buyer : agriculture and horticulture development board
AHDB, through its Pork division, is the owner of a SIRA (Stable Isotope Reference Analysis) database of pork reference samples taken from known farms throughout the UK and a number of other EU countries. The data is used to audit provenance claims fo ....
For the supply of Stable Isotope reference analysis service for Pork and Pork pr ....
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
AHDB, through its Pork division, is the owner of a SIRA (Stable Isotope Reference Analysis) database of pork reference samples taken from known farms throughout the UK and a number of other EU countries. The data is used to audit provenance claims fo ....
Stable Isotope Reference Analysis.
Buyer : AHDB
AHDB, through its BPEX division, is the owner of a SIRA (Stable Isotope Reference Analysis) database of pork reference samples taken from known farms throughout the UK and a number of other EU countries. The data is used to audit provenance claims fo ....
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