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Stop Smoking Seminars. Delivery of Stop Smoking Services via a drug-free solutio ....
Buyer : Hertfordshire County Council
This service is for the delivery of Stop Smoking Services via a drug-free solution which will be an additional option to smokers alongside the existing stop smoking services.
Local Stop Smoking Services and Support Grant: Specialist Provision
The council is looking to commission a provider to deliver a smoking cessation service for underserved priority groups: Severe Mental Illness, Homeless, Substance Misuse. The service would be required to be located in Croydon, as well providing commu ....
Primary Care Stop Smoking Services
Buyer : South Tyneside Council
The service is to provide universal stop smoking services in the borough of South Tyneside through GP practices and community pharmacies. Providers will work in partnership with South Tyneside Council, specialist services and the NHS in a whole syste ....
Community (level 2) Stop Smoking Services
Norfolk County Council's Public Health team tendered for a single provider to deliver its community (level 2) smoking cessation services.These services intended to build on other stop smoking provision already available in Norfolk including a special ....
Herefordshire Stop Smoking Services - Pharmacotherapy
Buyer : herefordshire council
Herefordshire Council is creating an approved list of accredited providers, in respect of Stop Smoking Services - Pharmacotherapy throughout Herefordshire. This Any Qualified Provider (AQP) procurement offer is designed to support the development of ....
Local Stop Smoking Services and Support Grant - Specialist Provision
Buyer : London Borough of Croydon
Smoking is the single largest preventable cause of multiple health inequalities, particularly relevant in Croydon. Smoking prevalence is higher in certain priority group populations: Homeless Alcohol and drug misuse Severe mental illness These priori ....
Primary Care Stop Smoking Services
Buyer : South Tyneside Council
South Tyneside Council is inviting GP practices and community pharmacies based in the borough of South Tyneside to deliver universal stop smoking services in the borough. Contracts will be awarded to any and all GP practice or community pharmacy who ....
Buyer : Hartlepool Borough Council
Hartlepool Borough Council are seeking to commission a provider to lead the development, implementation and delivery of a targeted Stop Smoking Service in Hartlepool that provides appropriate, evidence based support for smokers who want to quit. This ....
Specialist Stop Smoking Services
Buyer : Norfolk County Council
Norfolk County Council were seeking a suitable provider to deliver specialist stop smoking services. The service comprises the following elements: •Specialist stop smoking service delivered by trained advisors, worth around £6.6m over the potentia ....
Specialist Stop Smoking Services - AWARD
Buyer : norfolk county council
Norfolk County Council were seeing a suitable provider to deliver specialist stop smoking services. The service comprises the following elements: o Specialist stop smoking service delivered by trained advisors, worth around ?6.6m over the potential f ....
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