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DFI Roads and Rivers –Strangford Lough Ferry Service – Design, Supply and In ....
Buyer : Department for Infrastructure
ID 3486674 - DfI - Strangford Lough Ferry Service Ticketing System
Buyer : Department for Infrastructure
ID 3486674 - DfI - Strangford Lough Ferry Service Ticketing System. DfI Roads and Rivers is seeking an experienced Contractor to supply, install and provide backup support of an integrated ticketing system for use by Strangford Lough Ferry Service. T ....
DfI Roads and Rivers - Strangford Lough Ferry Service – Provision of Marine Ma ....
Buyer : Department for Infrastructure
DfI Roads and Rivers is seeking experienced Contractors to carry out a range of marine maintenance services on both 300+ gross tonne ro-ro vessels operated by the Strangford Lough Ferry Service. The requirement is divided into the following 5 Lots, L ....
DFI Roads and Rivers – Strangford Lough Ferry Service – Design, Supply and I ....
Buyer : Department for Infrastructure
DfI wishes to appoint a contractor to design, supply and install a Diesel Particulate Filtration System for MV Strangford II.
DfI Strangford Lough Ferry Service — MV Portaferry II Hull Strengthening and R ....
Buyer : Department for Infrastructure
The Department for Infrastructure is seeking an experienced ship repair contractor to carry out structural repairs, strengthening and application of protective coatings to the MV Portaferry II ferry during Autumn 2019. This work will require either t ....
DfI Roads and Rivers - Provision of Marine Mechanical Maintenance Services for S ....
Buyer : Department for Infrastructure
Stangford Lough Ferry Service requires a Contractor to provide access to marine mechanical maintenance specialists who will carry out inspections, maintenance and repairs of the mechanical systems to ensure that their vessels comply with MCA regulati ....
ID 3486674 - DfI - Strangford Lough Ferry Service Ticketing System
Buyer : Department for Infrastructure
ID 3486674 - DfI - Strangford Lough Ferry Service Ticketing System. DfI Roads and Rivers is seeking an experienced Contractor to supply, install and provide backup support of an integrated ticketing system for use by Strangford Lough Ferry Service. T ....
DFI Roads and Rivers –Strangford Lough Ferry Service – Design, Supply and In ....
Buyer : Department for Infrastructure
DfI requires the supply and installation of Diesel Particular Filters (DPFs) in the exhaust systems of the two main diesel engines and two diesel generators of MV Strangford II. The contractor will be required to design, manufacture, install and comm ....
DfI Roads and Rivers — Strangford Lough Ferry Service — Provision of Marine ....
Buyer : Department for Infrastructure
DfI Roads and Rivers is seeking experienced contractors to carry out a range of marine maintenance services on both 300+ gross tonne ro-ro vessels operated by the Strangford Lough Ferry Service. The requirement is divided into the following five lots ....
The Department for Infrastructure is seeking an experienced ship repair contractor to carry out structural repairs, strengthening and application of protective coatings to the MV Portaferry II ferry during Autumn 2019. This work will require either t ....
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