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GMIP Electrical Works - Copenhagen, Denmark & Stockholm, Sweden
Buyer : fcdo services
Open procedure (below threshold) XLY120/091/22TP
UK SBS - DDaT22553 - Cables for the Loki instrument at the ESS in Sweden
Buyer : department for business, energy & industrial strategy
***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) had a requirement for the provision of Ethernet cables for the LOKI instrument at the ESS in Sweden. This procurement is being concluded following a Ope ....
UK SBS Clean Room for the Particle Test Facility of the European Spallation Sour ....
Buyer : UK Shared Business Services Ltd
A bespoke cleanroom is required that can be assembled within the constraints of a standard laboratory room – with a maximum footprint of 4 x 3m. The cleanroom must have the facility for changing into cleanroom clothing, storage for clean processed ....
Provision of Security Guarding Services to British Embassy Stockholm, Sweden.
Buyer : Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Provision of Security Guarding Services to British Embassy Stockholm, Sweden.
DDaT22553 - Cables for the Loki instrument at the ESS in Sweden
Buyer : department for business, energy & industrial strategy
The final date and time for the submission of bids is 14/12/2022 at 14:00 DO NOT apply directly to the buyer. All tender information MUST be submitted through the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal. The Contracting Authority - UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) ....
JH/GFBTTNS/10/21 - Grass Fed Verified Beef Taste Test – Netherlands and Sweden
Buyer : Bord Bia (Irish Food Board)
Grass Fed Verified Beef Taste Test – Netherlands and Sweden
PR/DENSWE/2021 - Public Relations Consultancy Service in Sweden and Denmark plus ....
Buyer : Tourism Ireland CLG
The Copenhagen office of Tourism Ireland invites tenders from suitably qualified Public Relations agencies to best achieve increased public awareness and positive media coverage of the island of Ireland as a destination in the Danish and Swedish mark ....
JH/PRBBMSSS/05/21 - PR B2B and B2C marketing support Services in Sweden
Buyer : Bord Bia (Irish Food Board)
PR B2B and B2C marketing support Services in Sweden
The challenge in Denmark, Norway and Sweden is to raise awareness of and visits to regional Britain. The opportunity is to combat these issues by telling the story of relevant regional experiences via content.
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