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Audio Visual: Supplies, System Design, Installation and Maintenance
Buyer : university of bristol
Background The National Composites Centre opened its doors 11 year ago with some then state of the art AV equipment in our main lecture theatres Johnson and Phillips. The two rooms can be separated by a movable wall and as such each was fitted out id ....
8056 - 8056 Qualification System Design Support Services: Topographical Surveys ....
Buyer : Iarnród Eireann-Irish Rail
Iarnród Éireann - Irish Rail (IÉ) invites applications from interested economic operators to participate in the Pre-Qualification process to establish a Qualification System provide IÉ with Design Support services consisting of Topographical Surv ....
8057 - 8057 Qualification System Design Support Services: Bathymetric Surveys
Buyer : Iarnród Eireann-Irish Rail
Iarnród Éireann - Irish Rail (IÉ) invites applications from interested economic operators to participate in the Pre-Qualification process to establish a Qualification System provide IÉ with Design Support services consisting of - Bathymetric Surv ....
This award notice is in connection with a framework agreement for the provision of Audio Visual: System Design/Consultancy, Supplies, Installation and Maintenance for use by current and future NEUPC, SUPC, LUPC, and HEPCW consortia members. This agre ....
Buyer : Home Office
Provision of system design and business services to support the FBIS programme.
Provision of an IT system designed to enhance communication between students and ....
Provision of a system enhancing communication between students and the College, with the functionality to integrate with existing software used by the College.
UoB Audio Visual: Supplies, System Design, Installation and Maintenance
Buyer : University of Bedfordshire
Audio Visual: Supplies, System Design, Installation and Maintenance
TagEvac system Design
Expertise and capability packages to support the infrastructure work across Biosecurity, Borders and Trade Programme
UKRI-2814 Optical System Design and Analysis Services
Buyer : bip solutions limited
The Central Laser Facility (CLF) at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory is one of the world's leading laser facilities providing scientists from the UK and Europe with an unparalleled range of state of the art technology. CLF is a partnership bet ....
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