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NCTR2306 - Request-for-Tenders to establish a Single Supplier Framework Agreemen ....
Buyer : Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)
TU Dublin wish to establish a single party framework agreement for the hire of exam desks and chairs. Exam desks should measure 2ftx18in and chairs folding. We require cira 6,500 tables, three times a year January, May and August/Sept for 2-2.5 weeks ....
NCTR2159 - Supply of Branded Merchandise to TU Dublin
Buyer : Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)
Supply of Branded Merchandise to TU Dublin
NCTR2244 - TU Dublin Executive MBA Global Leadership Immersion Programme
Buyer : Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)
TU Dublin requests for proposals to tender for the design, delivery and management of an Executive MBA Global Leadership Immersion in Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area
NCTR1979 - Multi Faith Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy Services for TU Dublin
Buyer : Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)
Technological University Dublin is seeking a service provider to provide appropriately skilled and qualified staff to deliver and develop a high standard and consistent Multi-Faith Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy service to its 28,500 students and 2,500 ....
LA1796M - LA1796M Supply, Delivery & Installation of a Multi-mode Microplate Rea ....
Buyer : Education Procurement Service (EPS)
Tenders are sought for the Supply, Delivery & Installation of a Multi-mode Microplate Reader for MiCRA Biodiagnostics at Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin). The Multi-mode Microplate Reader can detect two or more applications and is consider ....
LGH1501C - Supply, Delivery and Installation of a Thermoanalysis suite with Phot ....
Buyer : Education Procurement Service (EPS)
Technological University Dublin (TUD) invites tenders for the Supply, Delivery, Installation and including operational training, and warranty provision for two (2) Lots of Thermal Analysis Equipment . The purpose of the equipment within this tender i ....
LGH1500C - TU Dublin - Benchtop Scanning Electron Microscope with Tensile Testin ....
Buyer : Education Procurement Service (EPS)
A benchtop scanning electron microscope with a low equipment footprint, capable of •High resolution magnifications of at least 100k X •Tensile strength testing. •Holding samples of up to 80 mm and larger in size. •EDS or EDX analysis for elem ....
NCTR2230 - Provision of Fire Alarm Upgrade - TU Dublin, Airton Close, Tallaght
Buyer : Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)
Upgrade and commissioning of Fire Alarm at Technological University Dublin, Airton Close, Tallaght
Governance consultancy and training services for the governing body of TU Dublin
Buyer : Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)
Governance consultancy and training services for the governing body of TU Dublin
NCTR2117 - Supply of Kitchen, Bakery and Restaurant Equipment for TU Dublin, Mul ....
Buyer : Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)
The purpose of this Competition is to establish a multi-party framework agreement with suppliers for the provision of; Lot 1 – Mixers, Hot Kitchen Equipment, Lot 2 – Hot Kitchen Small Equipment, Lot 3 – Pastry and Baking Equipment, Lot 4 – Fo ....
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