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Crown Commercial Service, as the Authority, intends to put in place an agreement for the provision of Supply Teachers and Temporary Staffing for use by schools and educational establishment The lotting structure of this framework will be determined a ....
Invitation to Tender for Curriculum and Transformative Development for teachers ....
Contract Extension for the Provision of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme Administr ....
Analysis of Recruitment and Retention of Teachers
Buyer : Welsh Government
The Welsh Government will be commissioning a research study to inform policy direction on teacher retention and the attractiveness of teaching as a profession. There are issues across the UK with teacher retention which also effect Wales. The Welsh G ....
STEM learning for Environment Agency Educational resources for schools, teachers
Buyer : Defra Commercial
STEM learning for Environment Agency Educational resources for schools, teachers
STEM learning for Environment Agency Educational resources for schools, teachers
Buyer : Defra Commercial
STEM learning for Environment Agency Educational resources for schools, teachers
STEM learning for Environment Agency Educational resources for schools, teachers
Buyer : Defra Commercial
STEM learning for Environment Agency Educational resources for schools, teachers
Supply teachers and temporary staff in educational establishments (CCS RM6238) - ....
Buyer : Leeds City Council
Supply teachers and temporary staff in educational establishments (CCS RM6238) - Virtual School Personalised One to One Tuition for Children Looked After and Children with Complex Needs (SEND) Further competition
Supply teachers and temporary staff in educational establishments (CCS RM6238) - ....
Buyer : Leeds City Council - PACS
Personalised face to face, one to one tuition service for Children Looked After by Leeds City Council and children with complex needs (SEND). Some of these children may not residewithin the metropolitan borough of Leeds.
Framework Agreement for Recruitment Services for the Provision of Supply Teacher ....
Buyer : Herts for Learning Ltd
The scope for this Framework Agreement is for all temporary and Fixed Term teaching and non-teaching roles, for the use of primary and secondary schools, academies, trusts, special schools, nurseries, pupil referral units and other educational establ ....
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