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DDaT24089 - SIMULIA Abaqus/CAE Extended and tokens
Buyer : uk shared business services limited
***Please note this is an award notice, not a call for competition*** Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) - UKRI had a requirement for the provision of SIMULIA License, This has been sourced via a single tender action (below threshold)
Purchase of Sepura repair tokens and accessories to support handheld assets in Ambulance Service
RSA SecurID Appliance Maintenance and New Tokens
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)
Digital Health and Care Wales ("DHCW") required maintenance and support for RSA SecurID Appliance, Hardware Tokens and Software Tokens for a period of one (1) year.The Invitation to Tender ("ITT") was issued via the National Procurement Service Frame ....
C3011 - provision of RSA tokens and licences
Buyer : Teagasc
provision of RSA tokens and licences
RSA SecureID Appliance Maintenance and New Tokens
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)
The Authority required the renewal of the associated maintenance and support for its current twenty-three thousand and forty (23040) RSA Authentication Manager Licenses. As growth within this area has been substantial over the recent years the Author ....
HID Tokens used for secure access to the force network
MAP - metered access pricing - tokens
Buyer : intellectual property office
IPO have purchased database access to journals from American Chemical Society (ACS) for the purposes of searching patent applications in the chemical (and related) technology areas. Total Award Value is $21,000.00 US, the award value is approximated ....
01858 Provision and Maintenance of RSA Tokens
Buyer : Scottish Prison Service
The SPS shall commence this procurement process in good faith and with the intention of awarding a contract. Following publication of the Contract Notice, an Invitation to Tender (ITT) will be published by SPS and will be made available to bidders on ....
Annual Lease of MSC One Tokens for the use of MSC Software
Buyer : Swansea University
The College of Engineering at Swansea University has been awarded funding for two operations titled “ASTUTE 2020” and “ASTUTE EAST” (Advanced Sustainable Manufacturing Technologies) from European Regional Development Funds.ASTUTE 2020 and AST ....
CCIS16A40 Provision of Signify Renewal & New Tokens
THIS NOTICE IS BEING PUBLISHED FOR TRANSPARENCY PURPOSES ONLY. The requirement was for the the purchase of Signify Renewal and purchase of new tokens for Department for Education.
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