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SNG wishes to establish a Framework Agreement for Contractors capable of delivering works for its new developments and major refurbishment schemes under JCT D and B contracts (and, for Lots 4,8 and 12) JCT Construction Management Contract and in acco ....
Energy Efficiency Retrofit Installation Contractors and Consultants and associat ....
Buyer : Flagship Housing Group
Flagship Group is setting up a DPS for Retrofit Installation Contractors and Consultants and associated services. Mini competitions will be issued throughout the life of the DPS. All the bidders registered on the DPS who have passed the Selection Sta ....
YORcivil Major Works 2 Contractors Framework Agreement
Buyer : Sheffield City Council
A framework agreement to serve all public sector bodies (and their statutory successors) and third sector organisations in the Yorkshire and Humber region and the Sheffield Local Enterprise Partnership region as detailed in the procurement documents. ....
AdaptAble Homes Tamworth (Tamworth Borough Council) Adaptations Contractors Fram ....
Buyer : Tamworth Borough Council
Tamworth Borough Council is looking to enhance their service offer by creating a contractor framework to deliver adaptation work through the Disabled Facilities Grant and Council Adaptations programme to improve quality, efficiency, and effectiveness ....
Strabane Public Realm Contractors PQQ Application
Buyer : Derry City and Strabane District Council
The project is for the provision of a contractor to undertake Strabane Public Realm Scheme. The scheme will include a number of streets within the town centre boundary as noted below. The proposed works will include high quality paving, kerbing in na ....
Purchase of 4 x New Four Wheeled Drive Utility Tractors (one with side arm flail ....
Buyer : North East Lincolnshire Council
The Provider shall supply the Authority with new Four Wheeled Drive Utility Tractors (The Vehicles) as follows: • 3 (three) x New Four Wheeled Drive Utility Tractors 85 - 95HP one with a compatible side arm flail • 1 (one) x New Four Wheeled Driv ....
Panels of Maintenance Contractors - Mechanical and Plumbing Services / Painting ....
Buyer : Derry City and Strabane District Council
Derry City and Strabane District Council wishes to appoint a maximum of 6* suitably qualified and experienced firms, for each panel, to carry out planned and reactive maintenance works in the Derry Strabane Area in the following disciplines: Mechanic ....
Buyer : Scotland Excel
This notice is for a proposed renewal framework for contractors to provide a range of energy efficiency works and services.
Capital Works Contractors Framework
Buyer : London Borough of Camden
The London Borough of Camden (‘the Authority’) is seeking to award a contract for the provision of delivering construction and property works (building improvements; repairs and maintenance, mechanical and electrical; plant improvements repairs a ....
Buyer : Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Totally Local Company Limited are a service provider in the Civil Engineering Industry. Sudden demands can affect our ability to deliver works within the timescales laid down within contracts being undertaken. To ensure Totally Local Company meet all ....
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