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Buyer : London Borough of Enfield
Motor Traders Insurance
This contract is to provide research services to build on findings produced during a previous survey with UK businesses to explore the behavioural changes UK businesses have taken in their approach to exporting to/importing from the EU, and how they ....
Refurbishment of Public (and Traders) Toilets at Halifax Borough Market - Future ....
Buyer : The Borough Council of Calderdale
The Borough Council of Calderdale invites you to submit a Tender for the refurbishment of the public toilets at Halifax Borough Market as part of the Future High Street Fund. The purpose of the project is to provide modern and fit for purpose welfare ....
Sponsorship will include a weekly feature provides a 'deep' dive into a new key industry topic with expert comment from manufacturers, operators, suppliers, government, and trade bodies.
This work aims to fill an evidence gap on behavioural changes in UK businesses in their approaches to exporting/importing and how they have adapted business processes to the new trading environment with Europe.
GREAT - International Traders and Investors Study (ITIS) Wave 5
Buyer : department for international trade
The requirement is for Wave 5 of the GREAT International Traders and Investors Study in order to support the evaluation of DIT's GREAT Global Trade (GGT) campaign, and to track progress against the key metrics that the campaign aims to influence. The ....
Promotion & Development of Makers and Traders to Support Local Distinctiveness
Buyer : scarborough borough council
Scarborough Borough Council has identified an opportunity to help raise the profile of independent business across the Borough. It is recognized that both before the pandemic and during the current time, that there has been a radical change in our hi ....
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) requires a supplier from the Research Marketplace agreement (RM6018) to undertake research aimed at understanding the experience of traders preparing to continue trading with the EU one the transition period has ended.
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) requires the supplier from the Research Marketplace agreement (RM6018) to undertake research aimed at understanding the experience of traders preparing to continue trading with the EU one the transition period has ended.
TD1727-3 - Market Hall Decant Stage 2 - Traders - Market Hall to Eagle Market
Buyer : derby city council
Direct Award Scape - Seddon Lot 1
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