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Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (TWBC) is looking to procure the services of an asbestos inspection and testing consultant for the duration of a 5-year term contract with the possibility of a further 5 years, followed by a further 2 years (5+5+2) bas ....
Water Resources assessment and conceptual models for Hythe and Tunbridge Wells Sands
Tunbridge Wells Borough Council ("the Council") is looking for an experienced production company to aid the production of our annual pantomime. The successful bidder will be required to work alongside our Assembly Hall Theatre Creative Team ....
Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys roof replacement (main block
Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys roof replacement (main block
SC23206 - DFC2023 - Mini Competition - Fir Tree Road, Tunbridge Wells Scheme
Buyer : kent county council
The Drainage Works Framework 2023 (SC22331) is used to support Kent County Council's current contracts (Highway Term Maintenance Contract, Road Asset Renewal Contract and others) to maintain it network. The drainage works consist of the provision of ....
SC230188 - Tunbridge Wells Girls Grammar School - Replacement Fire Alarm
Buyer : kent county council
The works comprise the Replacement of the Existing Fire Alarm System within the Main Building.
Sustainable Energy First Limited C/O Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust Pow ....
Buyer : cirrus purchasing ltd
Sustainable Energy First (SEFirst) wishes to procure a framework for the use of its clients for the sourcing and placement of energy contracts. The contracting authority for this framework is Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust. SEFirst is seekin ....
NHS Education Contract - Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Buyer : hee
Contract for the education and training of the health and social care workforce.
NHS Education Contract - Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
Buyer : Health Education England
Direct award, This Award was made in line with Health Education England's Standing Financial Instructions for the Delivery of Education and Training Services.
Homes England - Development Monitoring - Residential Development - Tunbridge Wel ....
Buyer : homes england (the name adopted by the homes and communities agency)
Development monitoring services re loan financer r
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