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CCRA4 Technical Report - UKCEH - MOAP
Buyer : Met Office
CCRA4 Technical Report - UKCEH
This contract is for the renewal of UKCEH 900 Licenses to provide key datasets to the Environment Agency.
Animal and Plant Health Modelling Services Framework - Lot 2 (Plant Health)
Continued access to UKCEH Land Cover plus Crop Map and Land Cover plus Fertilisers and Pesticides datasets
UKCEH Data Licence 900
UKCEH Saltmarsh Flux Towers Purchase
Buyer : defra
Purchase of Four flux tower systems, including two with methane sensors as well as CO2. Includes staff time for site scoping, procurement, deployment, and ongoing operation and maintenance.
UKCEH Saltmarsh Flux Towers Purchase
Buyer : ENVIRONMENT AGENCY (Defra Network eTendering Portal)
Value or proportion likely to be subcontracted to third parties
UKCEH H4 Terrestrial Indicators - Core Agreement 2022/23
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
The motivation of this contract is to contribute to the development of the H4 indicator on 'Exposure and adverse effects of chemicals on wildlife in the environment'. H4 is one of a suite of indicators in the 25-Year Environment Plan (25-YEP) Outcome ....
UKCEH Learning Management System
Buyer : UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Learning Management System
UKCEH Edinburgh Cleaning Services 2021-2025
Buyer : The Centre For Ecology & Hydrology
The UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH) is a world-class research organisation focussing on land and freshwater ecosystems and their interaction with the atmosphere. In our science we cover: Natural hazards Water resources Polluti ....
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