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This contract replaces the departments existing Local Area Network (LAN) and Wi-Fi technology with a unified solution that will provide enhanced internet connectivity across the estate.
NHS Continuing Healthcare Previously Unassessed Periods of Care (PUPoC) services ....
In 2013 NHS England published a letter advising of deadlines for assessments of eligibility for NHS Continuing Healthcare for previously unassessed periods of care (PUPoC) which occurred during the period 1 April 2004 -31 March 2012. Since that lette ....
Contract for the provision of Emergency and Extended Supported Lodgings (Pathway ....
Buyer : north yorkshire county council
North Yorkshire Council is seeking one provider to support the contact for Emergency and Extended Support Lodgings(EAESL) and Unassisted Asylum Seeking children(UASC).
Contract for the provision of Emergency and Extended Supported Lodgings (Pathway ....
Buyer : North Yorkshire County Council
This contract is for the requirement to provide young people with safe, quality emergency and extended accommodation with host households offering the support that they need to prevent homelessness. The contract must also focus on integration in comm ....
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