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Changing Places Toilets - The development of Universal Design Guidelines for Cha ....
Buyer : National Disability Authority (NDA)
This project is to develop Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets in Ireland. The scope of the guidelines will include good practice in the design, maintenance and management of Changing Places Toilets, both in new and existing build ....
Consultants for Laboratory fit-out to the principles Universal Design
Buyer : Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult
CGTC are looking for consultants to design and develop a laboratory for advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) that meets the principles of Universal Design (UD) and can be scaled-out across the sector.If you are interested in this opportunity p ....
17008CEUDSM - the development of an e-learning module for use as Universal Desig ....
Buyer : National Disability Authority (NDA)
The overall aim of this project is to develop a self-paced e-learning module suitable for use as Universal Design CPD for architectural professionals in Ireland, based on a case study of the Central Bank of Ireland.
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