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Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin seeks to appoint a suitably qualified, competent and experienced contractor to carry out the design and works. The works are located at the University’s city centre campus. The Contracting Authority ....


Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin seeks to appoint a competent contractor for the provision of Graduation Photographic Services & associated Services for the University Academic Registry Team. The specifications and service requirement ....


Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin seeks to appoint a competent contractor for the provision of Academic Robe Hire Services for the University Academic Registry Team.The specifications and service requirements are wholly described withi ....


Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin seeks to appoint a suitably qualified, competent and experienced contractor to carry out the works to the basement of the Ussher Library consisting of the delivery and construction of a reading room, a ....


Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin seeks to appoint a suitably qualified, competent and experienced contractor to carry out the Works comprising the refurbishment of the ground, first and second floors of O’Reilly House (House 11) and ....


Request for Tenders under Open National Procedure for a Multi-Supplier Framework for Provision of Photography Services for Trinity College Dublin (TCD), the University of Dublin


Teaching and Learning IT, a division of IT Services at Trinity College Dublin, are responsible for the installation and upgrade of pooled teaching rooms across the College.On an annual basis, there is a need to upgrade and replace equipment in the th ....


This procurement concerns the establishment of a framework for general building contractors. When admitted to the FW contractors will be requested to tender for Small Building Works' projects on The University of Dublin, Trinity College (TCD) Campus. ....


Trinity College Dublin seeks to appoint a competent contractor to provide Drainage Repair Services for Trinity College Dublin, the University of DublinThe specifications and works requirements are wholly described within the tender document set. Tend ....


Trinity College Dublin seeks to appoint a competent contractor to Supply and Install Commercial Catering Equipment for Trinity College Dublin, the University of DublinThe specifications and works requirements are wholly described within the tender do ....

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