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Young Adults Health and Wellbeing Service
Buyer : Walsall Metro Borough Council
The Council wishes to procure a provider to deliver a health and wellbeing service for young people aged between 15-25 years - continuing and expanding the service and work completed by an existing 15-25 Health and Wellbeing service. It is expected t ....
For the Provision of an Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service for Children in C ....
Derby City Council (the Council) is undertaking this procurement on behalf of itself and the Derby and Derbyshire NHS Integrated Commissioning Board to establish a contract for the provision of an Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service for Children i ....
Young Adults Health & Wellbeing Service
Buyer : Walsall Council e-Tendering
The Council wishes to procure a provider to deliver a health and wellbeing service for young people aged between 15-25 years - continuing and expanding the service and work completed by an existing 15-25 Health and Wellbeing service. It is expected t ....
UOK East Sussex Wellbeing Service Including Peer Support RFI
Buyer : Southdown Housing Association (UOK)
RFI For partners
Mental Health- VCS collaborative offering a wide range of MH wellbeing support integrated into the community MH offer. Support includes; social prescription, emotional health checks, recovery college for mh, befriending for mh, activities.
Cadent are looking for a provider/s of the below Occupational Health and Wellbeing Services: OH Physician Consultations Physiotherapy and Muscular-Skeletal Management Services Psychological services including crisis and trauma support Drug and alcoho ....
Mental Health- VCS collaborative offering a wide range of MH wellbeing support integrated into the community MH offer. Support includes; social prescription, emotional health checks, recovery college for mh, befriending for mh, activities.
The service provides 1:1 and group support to those living with Dementia and their families, including advice and support, Carer Training and Cognitive Simulation Therapy.
Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service (ECFWS)
Buyer : Essex County Council
In Essex, our vision is to work in partnership to create lasting positive change for children, young people and families. This is why the ECC’s Children and Families team, Public Health team and NHS west Essex are working together. We want to make ....
Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICB invited tenders for the provision of a Community Wellbeing Service. This proactive prevention provision aims to meet the needs of adults who are at risk of and/or who have multiple long-term conditions/health and care ....
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