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PSF 4 Lot 1B - West Cumbria Family Centre (New Build) and Refurbishment of Wedge ....
Buyer : cumbria county council
There are currently two family centres in West Cumbria (Carlton Road, Workington and Wedgewood Centre, Whitehaven) which provide supervised contact between family members and children from newborn to age 18. Both of the buildings which house the cent ....
Lot 1a - Up to 8 passenger seats - P1518 West Cumbria Learning Centre closing 2 ....
Buyer : cumbria county council
Lot 1a - Up to 8 passenger seats - P1518 West Cumbria Learning Centre closing 2 December 2021 (F17)
Lot 1a - Up to 8 passenger seats - P1516 West Cumbria Learning Centre - closing ....
Buyer : cumbria county council
Lot 1a - Up to 8 passenger seats - P1516 West Cumbria Learning Centre - closing 24 November 2021 (PRU F14)
CWF Lot 1A - Replacement Windows and Rainwater Goods at West Cumbria Learning Ce ....
Buyer : Cumbria County Council
The project comprises the complete removal and replacement of rotten timber and newer UPVC sliding sash windows at Richmond House. The work also comprises replacement of defective cast iron rainwater and soil goods. As the building is in a conservati ....
West Cumbria Retail, Town Centre and Leisure Study (2020)
Buyer : Copeland Borough Council
Proposals were requested for the preparation of a Retail and Town Centre Study for the local authority areas of Allerdale and Copeland. The Retail, Town Centre and Leisure Study should be a robust evidence base document which is in conformity with na ....
Provision of Special Educational Needs Transport from various locations to Lakes ....
Buyer : Cumbria County Council
See tender documents for more information.
Support at Home Night Services North and West Cumbria.
Buyer : Cumbria County Council
Night Services contract to allow 10 teams of Carers to deliver a total of 155 hours of care per night across block areas within Carlisle, Allerdale, Copeland and Eden.
Palaeohydrogeology of a groundwater system under the west Cumbrian coastal plain ....
Palaeohydrogeology of a groundwater system under the west Cumbrian coastal plain, northwest England impact of glaciation on palaeo-redox and salinity
CSF Lot 1A - West Cumbria Alternative Provision Hub, Richmond House Whitehaven
Buyer : Cumbria County Council
Further competition through Capital Schemes Framework re Internal Alterations for West Cumbria Learning Centre
PSF 2 - Lot 4 re West Cumbria Mining Project
Buyer : Cumbria County Council
This award notice is regard the mini competition for specialist expertise and consultancy support to provide extra capacity and resource to support its consideration of the application, including pre-application discussions and scoping for Environmen ....
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