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Wales and West Midlands Region Multi Activity Contract.
Facilities management services, catering services, accommodation, building and window cleaning services, refuse and waste related services, hotel accommodation services, laundry management services, tailoring services, cobbling services.
Mobilising the AI economic case and the development of an AI Adoption Roadmap fo ....
An RfQ was developed to commission an organisation to lead the further development of the region's approach to Artifical Intelligence Adoption, both in terms of mobilising an existing economic case, and developing a set of sector specific adopti ....
2022 - 0967 Group Wide Signage Project 2022 - at - Various addresses in West Mid ....
Buyer : citizen
Citizen wishes to enter into a Group Wide signage's for the provision but not limited to making good of walls and decorating to ensure that we receive an excellent service, which represents value for money. It is intended that the contract will run f ....
Transparency Notice of Contract Award - Wales and West Midlands Region Multi-Act ....
Buyer : Defence Infrastructure Organiation
Facilities management services. Catering services. Accommodation, building and window cleaning services. Refuse and waste related services. Hotel accommodation services. Laundry management services. Tailoring services. Facilities management services. ....
Wales & West Midlands Region Multi Activity Contract
Buyer : Ministry of Defence, DIO, Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO)
Facilities management services. Catering services. Accommodation, building and window cleaning services. Refuse and waste related services. Hotel accommodation services. Laundry management services. Tailoring services. Facilities Management Services. ....
Wales & West Midlands Region Multi Activity Contract.
Buyer : Unknown
Facilities management services. Catering services. Accommodation, building and window cleaning services. Refuse and waste related services. Hotel accommodation services. Laundry management services. Tailoring services. Facilities management services. ....
West Midlands Regional Shared LSCB Procedures - AWARD
Buyer : Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Sandwell MBC are currently seeking a supplier to update Local Safeguarding Children Boards procedures If you are interested in quoting for this work, please register/log in to the Intend Supplier portal to download the full documentation and submit y ....
West Midlands Regional Disagreement Resolution and Mediation Services.
Buyer : Herefordshire Council
Herefordshire Council is seeking to tender a Regional SEN Mediation Service Framework for and behalf of the other councils in the West Midlands and potentially other authorities across the UK.
2022 - 0967 Group Wide Signage Project 2022 - at - Various addresses in West Mid ....
Buyer : citizen
Citizen wishes to enter into a Group Wide signage's for the provision but not limited to making good of walls and decorating to ensure that we receive an excellent service, which represents value for money. It is intended that the contract will run f ....
Pedigree Software Solution for The West Midlands Regional Clinical Genetics Serv ....
Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust is seeking to engage with suppliers interested in its requirement for a Pedigree Software Solution for The West Midlands Regional Clinical Genetics Service., The West Midlands Regional Clinical G ....
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