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West Sussex Carers Information, Advice, Assessment and Support Service.
The Council is seeking to commission a new comprehensive county wide Carers Information, Advice, Assessment and Support Service.A Carer is someone who helps another person, usually a relative or friend, in their day to day life. This is not the same ....
WSCC — West Sussex Care and Support at Home.
The procurement covers the delivery of the Services to residents entitled to such a service either from the Council or from various West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).The Commissioners want to ensure that, whenever possible, adults rece ....
WSCC - West Sussex Care and Support at Home
Buyer : SE Shared Services
The Council is re-opening an existing framework for the provision of Care and Support at Home Services (previously referred to as domiciliary care services) ("the Services"). It incorporates services that will be either individually or jointly commis ....
West Sussex Carers Information, Advice, Assessment and Support Service.
The Council is seeking to commission a new comprehensive county wide Carers Information, Advice, Assessment and Support Service.A Carer is someone who helps another person, usually a relative or friend, in their day to day life. This is not the same ....
West Sussex Carers Information, Advice, Assessment and Support Service.
Buyer : SE Shared Services
The Council is seeking to commission a new comprehensive county wide Carers Information, Advice, Assessment and Support Service. A Carer is someone who helps another person, usually a relative or friend, in their day to day life. This is not the same ....
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