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Responsive Repairs, Void Property Works and Out of Hours Emergency Works - Centr ....
Buyer : Trust Housing Association Ltd
Responsive Repairs, Void Property Works and Out of Hours Emergency Works. Procurement documentation developed from the M3NHF schedule of rates and standardised document templates
Lift Maintenance & Call-Out Provider for Glasgow Clyde College (Issued as a Desk ....
Buyer : Glasgow Clyde College
Lift maintenance and call-outs for Glasgow Clyde College, all campuses.
Charter for West of Scotland Herring Survey
Buyer : Scottish Government
Marine Directorate invites a tender from pelagic vessels of overall length greater than 60 m to undertake a 10-day acoustic-trawl survey. The survey will cover two key areas for autumn spawning herring in ICES area 6aN. The vessel will complete presc ....
Award of NHSL725-02 - Agency Staff West of Scotland Laundry
Buyer : NHS Lanarkshire
The Board are looking to put a contract in place for temporary laundry assistants at West of Scotland Laundry. This contract will be awarded via a mini competition through the Scottish Procurement Temp Administrative, Catering and Manual – South Fr ....
Charter for Mackerel Egg Survey in Northwest Ireland and West of Scotland
Buyer : Scottish Government
Marine Scotland invites a tender from pelagic vessels of overall length greater than 60m to undertake an icthyoplankton survey for mackerel eggs within the region of NW Ireland, W and NW Scotland. The charter will be of 16 days duration and start on ....
Electronic Payment Services Mar22 - West of Scotland Housing Association-awarded
Buyer : northern housing consortium limited
This contract award notice is to notify the market that West of Scotland Housing Association based in Glasgow, UK have appointed allpay Ltd as their Electronic Payment Services provider for a period of 2 years, with an option to extend for a further ....
West of Scotland Housing Association - Three Year Gas Servicing & Maintenance wi ....
Buyer : West of Scotland Housing Association Ltd
West of Scotland Housing Association are seeking to establish a Contract for the provision of Gas Service and Maintenance services with a suitably experienced and qualified Service Provider. The Contract is intended to commence on 1st April 2021 and ....
West of Scotland Hosuing Association - Telephony System Contract
Buyer : West of Scotland Housing Association Ltd
We are looking for a new telephony system. The full details of requirements are in the tender documents.
West of Scotland Housing Association - Landscaping Maintenance Contract 2021-202 ....
Buyer : West of Scotland Housing Association Ltd
West of Scotland Housing Association - Landscaping Maintenance Contract 2021-202 ....
Buyer : West of Scotland Housing Association
The procurement is being undertaken in accordance with Regulation 28 'Open Procedure' of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.
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