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Fire Alarm Mitigation Works @ Windsor House
Buyer : canterbury city council
Fire Alarm Mitigation Works @ Windsor House, Whitstable
Homes England - Windsor House Refurbishment
Buyer : homes england (the name adopted by the homes and communities agency)
Homes England is a new organisation with a new and challenging mission to help the government's meet its aspiration of building more than 300,000 homes by the mid 2020s.r r Therefore it requires an office estate that supports its mission, anticipated ....
Internal Alterations - Windsor House, Louth
Buyer : United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust require a provider to carry out internal alterations to create additional clinician office space and reconfiguration of the layouts with associated M&E alterations. **Awarded under existing Trust Capital ....
short term contract to present findings on TFL property for use by by GPU
Homes England - Windsor House Refurbishment
Buyer : homes england (the name adopted by the homes and communities agency)
Homes England is a new organisation with a new and challenging mission to help the government's meet its aspiration of building more than 300,000 homes by the mid 2020s. Therefore it requires an office estate that supports its mission, anticipated gr ....
Windsor House Window Renewal, External/Internal Common Parts Re-Decorations
Buyer : City of London Corporation
The City of London Corporation (the City) invites Tenders for the provision of Windsor House, window renewals and communal decoration. The appointed main contractor will be the Principal Contractor under CDM 2015 and will be responsible for the repla ....
Installation of New Heating & Hot Water system at Windsor House, Whitstable
Buyer : Canterbury City Council
Canterbury City Council ("the Council") wishes to select and appoint on behalf of East Kent Housing a suitable supplier for the Installation of a New Heating & Hot Water System at Windsor House, Belmont Road, Whitstable, Kent CT5 1QN and invites pros ....
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