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Residual Waste Treatment service is part of the Re-thinking Waste strategy.
Buyer : surrey county council
The Council is procuring a new Contract for the disposal services for residual waste using the Competitive Dialogue procedure pursuant to the Regulations.
Anticipated Airborne Advanced Radar Electronic Surveillance Techniques Programme ....
Military Research & Technology. Provide a solution to mitigate shortfalls of current Radar Warning Receivers for airborne platforms
Residual Waste Treatment service is part of the Re-thinking Waste strategy.
Buyer : surrey county council
The Council is procuring a new Contract for the disposal services for residual waste using the Competitive Dialogue procedure pursuant to the Regulations.
The Regenda Group wish to appoint an experienced contractor to provide lightning ....
Buyer : regenda limited
The Regenda Group wish to appoint an experienced contractor to provide lightning strike protection services, including testing and remedial works as required, across the North-West including Merseyside, Greater Manchester and Lancashire. Full details ....
The water mains serving the campus are in many areas around 100+ years old and m ....
The contract includes the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the proposed external mains cold water services and connections to existing buildings
5This research aims to understand to what extent recent graduates (i.e. doctors in foundation training) are prepared to meet specific anticipated healthcare needs. The proposed research approach is to explore whether graduate doctors have the skills, ....
The University of Hull is seeking to construct the Aura Innovation Centre (AIC), ....
The University of Hull is seeking to construct the Aura Innovation Centre (AIC), a specialist facility supporting low carbon innovation, which comprises a high tech engineering innovation workshop and computing facilities together with conferencing a ....
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