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Grants, Aids and Incentives, Subject to the Areas of Interest Indicated in a Gra ....
Buyer : Sport England
The Supplier undertakes to provide details of grants, aids and incentives, subject to the areas of interest indicated in a GrantFinder search. Such is the nature of the complex system of grant aid that there can be no guarantee that a specific grant ....
Supplier for - In-depth insight into areas of interest in the PALs Programme rol ....
Buyer : bip solutions limited
NaCTSO commission external academic research to support the Government's proposed Protect Duty, the Publicly Accessible Locations (PALs) work and to build a sound evidence-base for implementation. This research, and strengthening of connections betwe ....
Proposal for Consulting Services for Market Study Development in Key Market Area ....
The Catapult aims to engagement with a number of market consultants with insight and expertise in sectors considered to be of significant relevance to the fast growing space services and applications industry. The purpose of these reports is to ident ....
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