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Buyer : liverpool city council
Asset Condition Surveys
Seaham Promenade Asset Condition Survey in relation to Framework Agreement: NEPO ....
Buyer : durham county council
Call-off in relation to Framework Agreement: NEPO212: Support Services for Development of the Built Environment, Lot 4: Flood, Coastal and Marine
Asset Condition Surveys and LCW Demand Plan Modelling Service ecm_10675
Buyer : department for work and pensions
The contract will deliver a number of asset condition surveys across the estate that are either currently overdue or due to be inspected prior to the end of March 2023. The Employer requires 115 sites to be subject to a condition assessment and asset ....
Buyer : Oxford City Council
Procured via mini competition on the NHS Construction Consultancy Services 2 Framework
CMAL0252 Asset Condition Survey – Diving works
Buyer : Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (Utility)
We are seeking the commission of a qualified and competent Diving Contractor to provide supplementary underwater inspections of the various structures to support a series of structural condition inspections that ATKINS are undertaking at 26 No. CMAL ....
Provision of DVLA Asset Condition Survey
Buyer : Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency
In March 2005 DVLA entered into a 20 year PFI Agreement ("PA") with supplier Telereal Trillium ("TT") for the provision of facilities management ("FM") services, including Lifecycle Replacement for certain assets. TT manage most, but not all, of the ....
FM20010 - M&E Asset Condition Survey
*Please note this is an Award Notice not a call for competition, this contract has been awarded via NHS SBS Construction Consultancy Services Framework Agreement* UKRI - STFC had a requirement for M&E Asset Condition Surveys to be carried out. The Co ....
Lighting Asset Condition Survey
Buyer : Department for Transport
Lighting Asset Condition Survey
Highways Asset Condition Surveys
Buyer : west sussex county council
West Sussex County Council has a Statutory Duty to ensure regular surveys are undertaken to determine the condition of public highways within the County of West Sussex. West Sussex County Council is seeking a Service Provider (the "Service Provider") ....
CMAL0252 Asset Condition Survey – Diving works
Buyer : Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (Utility)
We are seeking the commission of a qualified and competent Diving Contractor to provide supplementary underwater inspections of the various structures to support a series of structural condition inspections that ATKINS are undertaking at 26 No. CMAL ....
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