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This tender is for the Council to procure a new back office system for the current PCN enforcement and permits / ANPR exemptions, but options for additional enforcement areas could be considered. The main elements of the new system will need to be ab ....
F15008 Back Office Systems, Services and Support Framework Agreement
Buyer : Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust
Buyer : Isle of Wight Council
Parking services back office software system for issuing of PCNs and associated tickets and processing of parking permits.
Supply of Services in Respect of to Provide a Car Club Scheme, Covering Back Off ....
Buyer : Welland Procurement
The Council wishes to invite further competition responses for the supply of services in respect of To provide a car club scheme, covering back office systems, maintenance and VED, for staff use alongside a vehicle rental provision from the same cont ....
Home Charging Waiver Back Office System Only
Buyer : Sheffield City Council
Back office system to monitor electric vehicle usage as part of a 2 year pilot project that will see 15 SCC employees charge their work vehicles at home. The project includes two elements: Installation of Charge Units in employee's homes (Capita ....
Back Office System for English National Concessionary Travel Scheme
Buyer : North Yorkshire Council
The provision of a back-office system for The North Yorkshire Council and The Council of the City of York including customer web portal, customer record management, card bureau managed service, and for The North Yorkshire Council only, Host Operator ....
Back office system that integrates with Flowbird Parking Machines
Buyer : Isle of Wight Council
Flowbird Parking Machines that the Council purchased require the Smartfolio back office system as this is the only system that integrates with the Flowbird machines and therefore they are the only provider able to meet this requirement. For as long a ....
Back office system that integrates with Flowbird Parking Machines
Buyer : Isle of Wight Council
The back office system will be required for the life of the parking machines which isanticipated to be up to 31 March 2028. This is a sole source of supply due to compatibilitywith Flowbird Parking Machines. A previous VEAT was issued from 2020 - 202 ....
Back office system that integrates with Flowbird Parking Machines
Buyer : Isle of Wight Council
Back office system that integrates with Flowbird Parking Machines
Traffic Penalty Notice Back Office System
Buyer : Greater Manchester Combined Authority - Greater Manchester Police
Software and support to manage the processing of traffic penalty notices. Direct award via RM6259 for the provision of Vertical Application Solutions lot 5 Blue Light Services
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