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Fresh & Frozen Meat, Poultry, Cooked Meats and Bacon & Sausage
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)
NWSSP is looking to re-procure its provision of fresh and frozen meat, poultry, bacon & sausage and cooked meats. The estimated value referenced uses historical data which predates CoVID 19 and is therefore subject to change.
High Speed Bacon Slicing Machinery Supply
Buyer : Traditional Welsh Sausage Company
We require a single high speed thermoforming packing machine to pack retail bacon rashers for our branded range of productsNOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at ht ....
QOC659 09:00 2024-08-09 Newmarket, Suffolk to Martin Bacon Academy, Cambridgeshi ....
Buyer : Suffolk County Council Passenger Transport
Suffolk County Council is seeking a mini competition against the following Dynamic Purchasing System: `The supply of Passenger Transport Services`, OJEU Notice Id: 2018/S 031-067685. QOC659 09:00 2024-08-09 Newmarket, Suffolk to Martin Bacon Academy, ....
Fresh & Frozen Meat, Poultry, Cooked Meats and Bacon & Sausage
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership
Re-procurement of provision of fresh and frozen meat, poultry, bacon & sausage and cooked meats. The contract is for 3 years plus one year extension option.
Fresh & Frozen Meat, Poultry, Cooked Meats and Bacon & Sausage
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership
Re-procurement of provision of fresh and frozen meat, poultry, bacon & sausage and cooked meats. The contract is for 3 years plus one year extension option.
Bacons College - part of United Learning
Buyer : Bacons College and The John Roan School - part of United Learning
Bacons College, as the Contracting Authority, alongside, The John Roan School, Paddington Academy, Fulham Primary, Langford Primary, Queen's Manor Primary, Sulivan Primary, Wilberforce Primary, Hurlingham Academy, The Elms Academy and Ernest Bevin Ac ....
Bacons College - part of United Learning
Buyer : bacons college and the john roan school - part of united learning
Bacons College, as the Contracting Authority, alongside, The John Roan School, Paddington Academy, Fulham Primary, Langford Primary, Queen's Manor Primary, Sulivan Primary, Wilberforce Primary, Hurlingham Academy, The Elms Academy and Ernest Bevin Ac ....
The Hickman Bacon Memorial Park (Levellings) Redevelopment and Improvement
Buyer : gainsborough town council
PROJECT BRIEF The Hickman Bacon Memorial Park (Levellings) is an existing park for which Gainsborough Town Council have sole responsibility. The years though have taken their toll on this once thriving park. It is essential now that this park is brou ....
2023-02-16 10:00 - QOC507 Newmarket to Martin Bacon Academy, Northstowe, Cambrid ....
Buyer : suffolk county council passenger transport
Suffolk County Council is seeking a mini competition against the following Dynamic Purchasing System: `The supply of Passenger Transport Services`, OJEU Notice Id: 2018/S 031-067685. Newmarket to Martin Bacon Academy, Northstowe, Cambridgeshire. Furt ....
Effective Resource Management Enhanced Service - Bacon Lane Surgery
Buyer : nhs north west london
To ensure continuity of the service, a short-term contract (12 months) has been awarded to Bacon Lane Surgery whilst considering procurement options. Market Engagement has been undertaken in advance. The aim of this service(s) is to provide a phlebot ....
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