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Old School of Nursing Benching Works at Lister Hospital.
Supply of 9 x Bespoke laboratory benching units designed specifically to accommodate Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometer Instruments
CPI require benches and mobile furniture for a Laboratory at one of their locations at Sedgefield. Call off from CPI Framework 2220
ERD T block Lab Benching Package, Nottingham Trent University Clifton Campus, NG11 8NS
Purchase of bespoke Mobile Ion Benching
Buyer : uk health security agency
Purchase of bespoke mobile Ion benches, for the Harwell Campus .
Supply of 7 x laboratory benching units designed spefically to accommodate complex laboratory analytical equipment for example Gas and Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectormeters and their associated equipment.
Buyer : uk health security agency
Assorted Benching For Rosalind Franklin Laboratory
Replacement of ARF Benching and Aquaria
Buyer : university of derby
The University of Derby would like to procure five custom built research aquariums, to be used in the College of Science and Engineering. Research aquariums need to be built to the following specifications: Five research aquariums with following spec ....
Laboratory Benching for RFL BETA Programme
Buyer : uk health security agency
Laboratory Benching for RFL BETA Programme
CEFAS: Provision of laboratory benching for wastewater sequencing facility
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
Laboratory benching is required for a wastewater sequencing facility. Wastewater sequencing is essential to the UK government's SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance programme, providing early detection and identification of COVID-19 variants. This ....
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