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Provision of Medical Retinal Vascular Anti Veg-F and Intravitreal Corticosteroid medicines used in medical retinal vascular services for the NHS in England. To include but not limited to aflibercept, bevacizumab, brolucizumab, intravitreal dexamethas ....
NP38619 Compounded Aseptic Medicines
Buyer : The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)
This Framework Agreement is for the supply of unlicensed, aseptically compounded, ready to use medicines in syringe and infusion bags to NHS Scotland. The Goods have been separated into four (4) categories, each of which is identified as a “Lot”. ....
NHS Framework Agreement, Branded Medicines for London and South of England Offer reference number: CM/PHR/20/5598 FIND A TENDER (FTS) Reference number: FTS-002229 CM/PHR/20/5598/01 - NHS Framework for LONDON Branded Medicines - Tranche B. Period of f ....
Buyer : Velindre NHS Trust, NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership — Procurement Services (on behalf of All W
We are interested in buying the following list of products, in licensed bulk containers of up to the sizes noted below, to be available within a 5 year timeframe. We consider the availability in licensed bulk presentation to be a significant market a ....
MMUH03 - Supply of Bevacizumab to the MMUH and SVUH
Buyer : Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Ltd
Supply of Bevacizumab IV Infusion Vials to NHS Scotland. The Authority intends to award this framework as an unranked multi-supplier Lot to a maximum of six (6) Framework Participants. Full details of Goods and volumes can be found within the ITT doc ....
NHS Framework Agreement, Branded Medicines for London and South of England and B ....
Buyer : The NHS Commissioning Board (operating under the name of NHS England)
CM/PHR/20/5598/01 - NHS Framework for LONDON Branded Medicines - Tranche B.Period of framework: 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2023 with an option or options to extend (at the Authority’s discretion) for a period or periods up to a total of 24 Month ....
Invitation to offer for NHS Framework Agreement, Branded Medicines for London and South of England. Offer ref number: CM/PHR/20/5598 Lot 01 - LONDON Branded Medicines - Tranche B. Period of Framework 01/09/21 - 31/08/23 with option to extend for a pe ....
Provision of Compounded monoclonal antibodies to Thames Valley and Wessex Trusts: Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation T ....
Biosimilars and Biologics with Associated Medicines Homecare Services
Buyer : Velindre NHS Trust
Biosimilars and Biologics with Associated Medicines Homecare Services, including the supply of Adalimumab, Bevacizumab, Infliximab, Rituximab, Teriparatide and Etanercept for supply to hospitals and direct to patients homes via a medicines homecare d ....
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