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Campbeltown Tank 6 Blasting and Lining
Buyer : Oil and Pipelines Agency
Oil Fuel Depot Storage Tank Pre-Inspection Blasting & Post repair Lining, OPA OFD Campbeltown.
Blast-Air Transformer Oil Coolers for Super-Grid Transformers
Buyer : United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Blast-Air Transformer Oil Coolers for Super-Grid Transformers
Drill & Blast Works and Supply of Explosives 2025
Buyer : Forestry and Land Scotland
FLS has a requirement to put in place a framework agreement with external suppliers for the provision of Drill & Blast Works and Supply of Explosives 2025. FLS operates our own extractive sites (quarries). Extractives sites includes quarrying, borrow ....
Heavy Catering Equipment, Chest Freezers and Blast Chiller for the Education Aut ....
Buyer : Education Authority
70148 — Heavy Catering Equipment, Chest Freezers and Blast Chiller for the Edu ....
Buyer : Education Authority
The award of a framework agreement by Education Authority (EA) without prior publication of a call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union, in respect of the provision of heavy catering equipment, Chest Freezers and Blast Chille ....
Supply and Installation of Dust Free Vacuum Blast System, with a compatible Comp ....
Buyer : Ministry of Justice
Supply and Installation of Two Number Dust Free Vacuum Blast Systems, One Number Compatible Compressor Unit, Associated Safety Equipment and Protective Clothing to HM Prison Lindholme
Shot blasting to remove previous surface coatings on Helipad AM2 matting.
Buyer : Unknown
Blast-cleaning services for tubular structures. Abrasive blasting to remove previous surface coatings on aluminium Helipad AM2 matting and rust, paint other contaminates from a variety of surfaces including steel vehicle bodywork components. Vast maj ....
***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This is for a replacement unit after research was done to meet new specifications.
Buyer : City of Doncaster Council
Provision of specialist surface dressing hydro-blasting/retexturing. Procured via Framework agreement - further competition
CLOSED BRANCH LINES MINOR WORKS - LCB/2 - Stitch, repoint and date tab all parap ....
Buyer : National Highways
CLOSED BRANCH LINES MINOR WORKS - LCB/2 - Stitch, repoint and date tab all parapet fractures. Grit blast and paint all structural steelwork as per the attached specifications. Consult latest exam report for further details.
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