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NHRRF Refurbishment and alterations of existing rooms at clinical research build ....
Buyer : the university of nottingham
Site Address: Nottingham Health Recovery Research Facility, Clincal Sciences, Nottingham CityHospital Alterations of Toilets, Changing and Office Space to Clinical Space and Waiting Rooms Address Clinical Sciences Building, Nottingham City Hospital, ....
Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 2 No. Air Source Heat Pump Chillers at ....
Buyer : university of plymouth
The University of Plymouth is seeking appoint a contractor for supply, installation and commissioning of 2 in number Air Source Heat Pump Chillers for John Bull Building located at north campus(Research Way, Derriford).
Creation of new Psychology Labs, Glyndwr Building.
Buyer : Swansea University
Remodelling and refurbishment of a section of the lower ground floor in Glyndwr Building to form a state of the art psychology lab, involving demolition and drainage works, partitioning, m&e installations, ceilings, flooring and external works.
NU/1813 The Supply, Installation & Project Management of Furniture for the Steph ....
Buyer : newcastle university
The £68.75 scheme consists of the building a rear extension and the refurbishment of the from part of the Stephenson Building. The building will become the main focal point for engineering at Newcastle University. Spaces within the building include ....
Teagasc Moorepark – Vista Milk - The construction of a 650m2 two storey office ....
Buyer : Teagasc
The construction of a 650m2 two storey office building alongside and existing building. (Floor Plans Provided)
Abbey Quarter Kilkenny- Demolition of Maturation Building.
Buyer : Kilkenny Abbey Quarter Development Ltd
The project comprises of the demolition of approx. 1,000sq.m. single storey former maturation building on the Abbey Quarter site, Horse Barrack Lane, Parliament Street, Kilkenny
Construction of a stand-alone block of 3 Classrooms and internal alterations to ....
Buyer : Burrow National School
Three Classroom Stand-alone Building, removal of existing stand alone Prefabricated Classroom Building and Internal Alterations associated with adapting Existing Toilets into an Accessible Toilet and Associated Site Works.
Replace signage in the medical school building.
Buyer : university of nottingham (the)
The preference of the committee is that we use a style in keeping with signage installed at UoN over the last decade. This has been done in the main by Signs Direct who's clients were passed to Fusion signs when the owner retired (and closed business ....
Award of Mini competition for secondment of resource to support electric vehicle ....
Buyer : Transport Scotland
Mini competition for secondment of resource to support electric vehicle enabled buildings programme from Lot 4 Land use and Transport Integration in Scotland (LATIS) Framework.
Building an extension on the existing sports building.
Buyer : bradford metropolitan district council
Midland Road Improvements to Sports Facilities. Extension of existing building to provide changing rooms, toilets and a café area.
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