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St Christopher's Multi Academy Trust Provision of Outsourced Cleaning Services
Buyer : St Christopher's Multi Academy Trust
The Trust is seeking a Contractor that will deliver an Outsourced Cleaning Service for this contract to provide a high-quality service, whilst delivering value for money. Tenderers are referred to the Cleaning Service Specification and cleaning sched ....
Barbican Estate Window Cleaning Services
Buyer : City of London Corporation
The City of London Corporation (the City) invites Tenders for the provision of the Barbican Estate Window Cleaning Service contract. The Contractor shall provide a comprehensive Window Cleaning Service throughout the Barbican Estate delivered in a sa ....
Cleaning Services at Cardinal Newman Catholic High School
Buyer : Warrington Borough Council
The Governors of Cardinal Newman Catholic High School seek a suitably experienced cleaning company to provide a professional cleaning service at Cardinal Newman Catholic High School, Bridgewater Avenue, Latchford, Warrington, Cheshire, WA4 1RX. The S ....
Emmaus Catholic Academy Trust - Building Cleaning Services
Buyer : Emmaus Catholic Academy Trust
Emmaus Catholic Academy Trust requires one supplier to fulfil their Building Cleaning Services requirement.
Communal area window cleaning and gutter cleaning at properties across the VIVID housing stock.
Tenterden School Trust - Cleaning Services
Buyer : Tenterden Schools Trust
Tenterden Schools Trust is currently out to tender for the provision of a full daily cleaning service.The contract is being offered for three years with the option to extend for a further two periods of 12 months. The contract commencement date is 01 ....
Bradford College require one supplier to fulfil their requirement for Building Cleaning Services. To access this competition: Registered: Login to and view the opportunity CA15366. Not registered: Visit https://suppli ....
Cleaning Services - Broadland District Council
Buyer : Broadland District Council
Broadland District Council ("The Council"), owns a variety of residential property and office assets across the Broadland District Council region of Norfolk and is now seeking to bids from potential contractors to consolidate a range of cleaning cont ....
Buyer : Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council
BCP Council is seeking to appoint a single service provider to the following services predominantly for BCP Homes but will include corporate sites \ building: • Collect and dispose of bulk refuse from the internal and external communal areas of res ....
Bradford College - Building Cleaning Services
Buyer : Bradford College
Bradford College require one supplier to fulfil their requirement for Building Cleaning Services.
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