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The business objective of this procurement is to provide a secure courier collection and delivery service for DVLA. The provision of such is essential to supporting all services and transactions where a physical token, documents or any other item is ....
Research Professional, Contracts Award Notice, Contracts Finder
Buyer : ics on behalf of dsit and desnz
This is a notice for the awarded contract for Research Professional Subscription. The contract was awarded to Clarivate Analytics.
Contracts Award Notice, Contracts Finder
Buyer : desnz
This is a notice for the awarded contract for Printers and Print Services. The contract was awarded to Canon Limited.
708339450 - Warrior Rear Safety Camera System Contracts Award Notice CF
Buyer : ministry of defence
The Authority has a requirement to procure Warrior Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) Rear Safety Camera Systems (RSCS) to meet a safety critical modification. The RSCS system will comprise of 359 units and include the following sub systems: Rear Camera ....
STA procured the services of suppliers for the development of modified Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 tests in order to support test Development within the Test Development Division of the Standards and Testing Agency (STA).
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