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This is a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to advise the market that the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) is seeking to renew its Provision of Poultry Culling Services Framework Agreement and appoint providers to a new Framework Agreement for the ....
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
Suppliers are invited to attend a market engagement event at 10.30am on Wednesday 22nd July. If you are interested in attending please email who will provide details of how to join the Webex. Attendance is limited to a maxi ....
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
APHA is an executive agency of Defra, working on behalf of Defra, Scottish Government and Welsh Government. APHA is responsible for animal health and welfare and the regulatory and enforcement aspects of plant health and bee health. In the event of a ....
Cullingworth Recreation Ground Play equipment installation
Buyer : city of bradford metropolitan district council
Installation of a timber trim trail and see-saw equipment to a play area
Call of under the Poultry Culling Framework (Reference 29395)
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
Maintenance on APHA owned CGUs at Aston Down, and purchase of new Broiler and Turkey Modules for the CGUs
Buyer : Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
APHA is an executive agency of Defra, working on behalf of Defra, Scottish Government and Welsh Government. APHA is responsible for animal health and welfare and the regulatory and enforcement aspects of plant health and bee health.In the event of an ....
Amended Award Notice ref 610251 for Deer Culling - Kilpatrick Hills
Buyer : Forestry and Land Scotland
This contract was awarded for an initial period of 3 months to 31st March 2020, with an optional 12 month extension period from 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021, with an initial cull target of 250 to a value of 24,150.00 GBP. There was a further all ....
Amended Award Notice ref 610277 for Deer Culling - Whitelee
Buyer : Forestry and Land Scotland
This contract was awarded for an initial period of 3 months to 31st March 2020, with an optional 12 month extension period from 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021, with an initial cull target of 375 to a value of 30,123.75 GBP. There was a further all ....
Amended Award Notice ref 610279 for Deer Culling - Carron_Campsie
Buyer : Forestry and Land Scotland
This contract was awarded for an initial period of 3 monThis contract was awarded for an initial period of 3 months to 31st March 2020, with an optional 12 month extension period from 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021, with an initial cull target of ....
Award of 504_0214 (FW0052-2) Deer Culling East Region - Tummel
Buyer : Forestry and Land Scotland
Dear Supplier,We are inviting quotes for FW0052-2 Deer (and other Wildlife) Management at Tummel in East Region.Please read through the documents attached for full details of the requirement.Yours sincerely,Lauren Campbell
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