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he aim of the procurement is to ensure an effective approach is taken which will ....
Buyer : East Sussex County Council
The aim of the procurement is to ensure an effective approach is taken which will meet the current and future needs of the organisation and the educational establishments who buy in to the contracts. Property Services manages a number of assets and c ....
Foresight study to compare relative gains, costs, feasibility and scalability of ....
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
The objectives of this study are: 1.Consider the economic, social and sustainability benefits and limitations, and real-world scalability of models of industrial horticulture (including but not limited the sectors outlined above) considering and comp ....
BuildEast Research (current and future role and impact in solving the housing cr ....
Buyer : flagship housing group limited
Flagship Group, on behalf of the BuildEast partnership of 17 housing associations in the East of England, commission for a research project into current and future role and impact in solving the housing crisis to inform the strategies of member organ ....
Analysis of current and future skills demand and supply in North Lincolnshire
Buyer : north lincolnshire council
Analysis of current and future skills demand and supply in North Lincolnshire
Procurement of Consultancy Services for Ticketing Schemes by South West Smart Ap ....
Buyer : south west smart applications ltd
The provision of consultancy services to assist in the scoping, development, monitoring, reporting, apportionment and settlement processes of entitlement, commercial and non-commercial ticketing schemes within the UK. Services will be available under ....
MK/UCFTFS/07/19 - A Study to Understand the Current and Future Trends in relatio ....
Buyer : Bord Bia (Irish Food Board)
Understanding the current and future trends in relation to food sustainability and what this means for all actors in the Irish agri-food value chain.
Current and Future Deployed CIS Solutions
FTS5/CCT481 Technical support to provide current and future deployed CIS solutions
Initial Review of Capability for RWM current and future
Initial Review of Capability for RWM's Current and Future Mathematical Modelling Requirements
To advise and act on behalf of Disability Wales with regard to its current and f ....
Buyer : Disability Wales
DW is seeking the services of a chartered surveyor who will advise Directors and staff regarding its premises options with the following aims and objectives:AimTo enable the Board of Directors to make an informed decision regarding the most appropria ....
Assessing Gwynedd and rural Conwy’s current and future outdoor adventure touri ....
Buyer : Cyngor Gwynedd Council
Creating a world class ‘outdoor adventure’ destination: Assessment of Gwynedd and rural Conwy’s current and future adventure tourism potential.The purpose of this tender by Gwynedd Council’s Tourism Marketing and Customer Care Service is to s ....
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