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Framework for Digital Forensic Data Capture, Processing, and Analysis from Digit ....
Buyer : Metropolitan Police Service
Multi-supplier Framework Agreement to facilitate regular routine purchasing of Digital Forensic Data Capture, Processing, and Analysis from Digital Storage Devices.
Healthcare Acquired Infections (HCAI) Data Capture System Support and Maintenanc ....
Buyer : Public Health England
Public Health England (PHE) is planning to award CGI a renewal contract for the Healthcare Acquired Infection Data Capture System (HCAI DCS). CGI will provide application support, service management and development and maintenance of the HCAI System ....
CCW Data Capture Framework for Biological Records into CCW Corporate Software (M ....
Buyer : Natural Resources Wales
CCW records a significant amount of species and habitat data as part of its business and requires these records (whether collected in-house or contracted) to be entered into the relevant software package. This will facilitate meeting recognized data ....
Data capture (keying) of Welsh Assembly Government administered agricultural and ....
Buyer : Welsh Government
Title of the contractKeying contract for agricultural and horticultural survey forms for WAG.The Welsh Assembly Government on behalf of the Welsh Ministers (the Client) requires data on returned agricultural and horticultural survey forms to be manua ....
Advanced Data Spectrum Limited has developed certain software applications and platforms which it makes available to subscribers to provide document management and data capture solutions for YPO
Technical advice and support to develop data capture standard. National Highways is looking to set up a contract for provision of a range of work that includes giving technical advice, developing new standards, external stakeholder liaison with organ ....
GCP Bus transit data capture and evaluation
Buyer : cambridgeshire county council
Ito Transit Hub and Transit Hub modules. To include bus schedule data from the TNDS and SIRI VM AVL feed provided by VIX Technology for the Greater Cambridgeshire area.
Invoice Scanning and Remittance and Data Capture Service
Buyer : kirklees council
Quotations were invited by Kirklees Council from Suppliers for the supply and delivery of an invoice and remittance scanning and data capture service. The Contract will start on 01 April 2024 and expire on 31 March 2026 with an option to extend for t ....
Levelling Up Fund (LUF) Belmont Walking/Cycling Data Capture
Buyer : london borough of sutton
Intelligent camera survey data collection will provide the LUF Walking and Cycling project with baseline data of transport modes taken to access the London Cancer Hub, Hospital site and the Harris Academy. The data will also support the monitoring an ....
WCC - Invoice Data Capture Solution - AWARD
Buyer : warwickshire county council (wcc)
Due to our current solution transitioning to the Cloud, Warwickshire County Council (WCC) is looking to procure a replacement Invoice Capture solution. The preferred solution will extract identified information from PDF invoices, verify the data and ....
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