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Training for Mental Well-being and Dealing with Stress
Buyer : Cyngor Gwynedd Council
Buyer : health & safety executive
Regulators across HSE investigate fatal and other serious accidents. HSE are seeking a practical course to enable staff to meet the expectations of HSE's Victim Policy Statement by equipping them with the practical knowledge and insights to engage se ....
Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service (OFRS) and Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue S ....
Buyer : Oxfordshire County Council
Pursuant to an OJEU Contract Notice dated 21 September 2021 and an OJEU Contract Award Notice dated 18 December 2013, Oxfordshire County Council/Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service (OFRS) and Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Authority (RBFRA), togethe ....
Counselling provision for individuals with substance misuse issues dealing with ....
Buyer : bournemouth christchurch and poole council
Counselling provision for individuals with substance misuse issues dealing with significant trauma
Personal Safety Dealing with Violence and Aggression Training - AWARD
Buyer : sandwell metropolitan borough council
Personal Safety Dealing with Violence and Aggression Training Sandwell Metropolitan Borough "The Council" requires Personal Safety - Dealing with Violence & Aggression training to be delivered to staff located in various high-risk areas across the co ....
Provision of Qualitative Research Study to Examine the Workplace Experiences of ....
Buyer : Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
On 18 May 2021, the Government committed to undertake research to examine the needs of employees bereaved by pregnancy loss with respect to statutory leave provisions and workplace policies. The purpose of this research is to ascertain whether workpl ....
Lot 09.61 - Dealing with trauma
Buyer : durham county council
This trauma training will become a part of a holistic framework offer, which aims to support all Adult and Health Service areas. Training will be part of an incremental programme of learning and will build upon existing awareness Trauma Informed Care ....
Lot 1- Leisure and Residential Furniture - Dealing Direct
Buyer : southend-on-sea borough council
Further competition is invited under the terms and conditions of ESPO framework agreement reference 87_18 for the provision of Leisure and Residential Furniture / for Southend-On-Sea Borough Council. Southend-on-Sea Borough Council (SBC) has commissi ....
Lot 1 - Office Furniture - Dealing Direct
Buyer : southend-on-sea borough council
Further competition is invited under the terms and conditions of ESPO framework agreement reference 282_18 for the provision of Office Furniture to / for Southend-On-Sea Borough Council. Southend-on-Sea Borough Council (SBC) has commissioned the cons ....
GB-London: Dealing with Financial Uncertainty
Buyer : local government association
The proposed guidance will provide councils with ideas and tools that they can readily apply within their existing medium term planning process and budget cycle.
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