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Buyer : Southend-on-Sea City Council
A high quality Dental Unit to come to the City of Southend-on-Sea to provide and improve access to dentistry for those who are in the most need locally, including some of our most vulnerable and complex residents. The primary aim is to provide immedi ....
Clinical Skills 2 (6.05C) in Worsley has been identified for refurbishment this summer and is to be brought up to the same specification as an adjacent recently refurbished space (2019).
Refurbishment of Clinical Skills 2 Laboratory in Worsley Building (Dentistry)
Buyer : University of Leeds
Clinical Skills 2 (6.05C) in Worsley has been identified for refurbishment this summer and is to be brought up to the same specification as an adjacent recently refurbished space (2019).
Buyer : Southend-on-Sea City Council
A high quality Dental Unit to come to the City of Southend-on-Sea to provide and improve access to dentistry for those who are in the most need locally, including some of our most vulnerable and complex residents. The primary aim is to provide immedi ....
Dentistry Requirement at Contingency Accommodation
Buyer : Home Office
The short term supply of dental provision at Home Office asylum seeker accommodation
Buyer : ministry of justice
Dentistry products, including consumables, equipment, and tools. Call off contract under Framework hosted by Health Trust Europe
3740.EFM.SW.23 Dentistry External Facade Improvements
Buyer : university of sheffield
The University of Sheffield is out to tender on behalf of the Department of Estates and Facilities Management for envelope improvement works to the external facade and upper and lower roofs of the School of Clinical Dentistry. The works include, but ....
Early years training programme for Foundation Dentists in Special Care Dentistry
Buyer : health education england
Develop capacity to provide clinical training and workforce development for Early years FDs, and speciality trainees a pilot scheme across the organisation.
A Digital Explainer - How is NHS dentistry funded an contracted
Buyer : nhs england
Develop, produce and publish an explainer on the funding and contracting of NHS dentistry, to improve clarity on funding and delivery models, which are complex and poorly understood in the wider NHS.
Suite of equipment for the teaching of Digital Dentistry from Data Acquisition v ....
Buyer : university of sheffield
equipment for the teaching of Digital Dentistry from Data Acquisition via Oral and model scanners, Computer Aided Design Software for dental restorations and prosthesis (medical devices) and Advanced Manufacturing of devices.
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