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Bro Tathan sitewide contamination desktop study
Buyer : Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government
Geo environmental desktop study of the Bro Tathan site.
St Cuddy's Protected Birds Desktop Study 2022
Buyer : natural england
Natural England wishes to improve and update our understanding of the abundance and distribution of a number of protected non-breeding birds species along the Northumberland coastline, outwith the Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve, and of the signi ....
Elective Surgery and Health Planning Desktop Study
Buyer : hull university teaching hospitals nhs trust
This notice is being posted to inform of an award of a contract to Cliniplan for an elective surgery and healthcare planning desktop study. The procurement was undertaken via a single tender justified on the basis that it built upon work already carr ....
Provision of Geotechnical Desktop Study
Buyer : blackpool council
Blackpool Council have identified five sites that are surplus to current requirements and are under consideration for future redevelopment for residential purposes. The Council are seeking options for development and are inviting quotations for a des ....
SIte Services Transition Plan Desktop Study
Buyer : ctm portal for the nda shared services alliance
A contract has been awarded by Dounreay Site Restoration Limited (DSRL) as a result of a mini-competition through the Design & Engineering Services Framework, for a Site Services Transition Plan Desktop Study.
CLiP Review desktop study on the waste management (Sri Lanka)
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
Cefas will work with partners across the Commonwealth to share expertise and find solutions to the environmental and socio-economic problems caused by litter in the marine environment. As poor waste management on land is a major source of marine litt ....
Natural Flood Management Archaeological Desktop Study
Buyer : London Borough of Enfield
Archaeological desk top study
Spatial Planning Arrangement: Stage 1 Desktop Study, reconnaissance survey and s ....
Buyer : Highways Agency
Stage 1 Desktop Study, reconnaissance survey and steering group meetings.
Desktop study to understand the potential options available to offshore wind dev ....
Buyer : Crown Estate Scotland
The Energy & Infrastructure division of Crown Estate Scotland is responsible for managing the seabed on behalf of the Scottish people relating to areas such as offshore wind, wave & tidal energy, cables (electrical and telecommunications) & pipelines ....
SKDP ACRES LAP - To prepare the West Cork & Kerry ACRES Co-operation Project Loc ....
Buyer : South Kerry Development Partnership CLG
South Kerry Development Partnership is inviting tenders to complete the desktop study and to prepare the Local Area Plan and a Natura Impact Statement for the West Cork/Kerry ACRES Cooperation Project. The desktop study will include data collation an ....
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