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26118 - to support efficient statutory determinations
Buyer : plymouth city council
26118 - to support efficient statutory determinations and relevant advice on Town Planning activity
Executive Search Services (Determinations Panel)
Buyer : the pensions regulator
Provision of Executive Search Services to The Pensions Regulator in regards to Determinations Panel member roles.
Interim Support with In-Period Outcome Delivery Incentives (ODI) Determinations
On 15 September 2017, Ofwat will receive submissions from the three companies that have in-period ODIs. We are looking for two interim regulatory economics / policy advisors to help us with assessing these submissions and producing the draft determin ....
Independent review of Determinations for Fostering and Adoption
Buyer : Welsh Government
Welsh Government is looking for an an organisation to run the Independent Review of Determinations (IRD) for Adoption and Fostering, and establish review panels in Wales on behalf of the Welsh Ministers
There will be two elements to the customer research: -Quantitative research with a representative sample of household water customers to: understand the prevalence of difficulties in being able to afford to pay water bills and associated behaviours a ....
The supplier will conduct surveys to find out what water customers think about the Draft Determinations (DDs) which are due to be published by Ofwat in June 2024. The research will identify: -How acceptable or unacceptable the proposed DD service lev ....
Provision of Geographic Information Systems Mapping Supporting ONR's Radiation, ....
HSE on behalf of The Office for Nuclear Regulation is inviting tenders from individuals or organisations to provide GIS mapping services. These aim to provide further improvements for public protection, in the unlikely event of a radiation emergency, ....
Independent review of Determinations for Fostering and Adoption
Buyer : Welsh Government
Welsh Government is looking for an an organisation to run the Independent Review of Determinations (IRD) for Adoption and Fostering, and establish review panels in Wales on behalf of the Welsh MinistersNOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to car ....
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