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DAC — AFBI — Bovigam Test Kits for Bovine TB Diagnosis.
Buyer : Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI)
This Contract is for the provision of bovine TB blood test (gamma-interferon blood test (Bovigam)) kits for a period of 1 year.
DAC — AFBI — Bovigam test kits for bovine TB diagnosis.
Buyer : Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI)
This contract is for the provision of bovine TB blood test (gamma-interferon blood test (Bovigam)) kits for a period of 1 year.
Accommodation placements for people with complex needs including a mental health ....
Buyer : City of Edinburgh Council
The City of Edinburgh Council requires accommodation with Support Services within Edinburgh for men and women, aged 18+, who complex needs including a mental health diagnosis and who have previously lived in long-term hospital accommodation.
Residential Rehabilitation Home — Dual Diagnosis.
Buyer : Norfolk County Council
Norfolk County Council is looking to procure the provision of a 22 bed residential care home facility for homeless individuals or individuals at risk of becoming homeless, who present with a dual diagnosis. The definition of a dual diagnosis in this ....
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