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Quotation for a review of the Article 4 Directions relating to Conservation Area ....
Buyer : Hart District Council
The Council is seeking a suitably qualified heritage expert to conduct a review of the article 4 directions which relate to the conservation areas in Hart district. For details on how to apply, see the attachment: Request for quote for: HDC202415 Rev ....
Next Generation Sailing Directions Data Migration
Buyer : uk hydrographic office
As part of its development of a new Digital Sailing Directions product, the UK Hydrographic Office is seeking to establish a relationship with a supplier to support the migration of data from the existing product into a new, purpose-built database.
Disconnections and redirections of services at Temperance Square
Buyer : redcar & cleveland borough council
Disconnections and redirections of services at Temperance Square
Buyer : health education england
Funding for the education and training of the health and social care workforce.
UEC Streamlining Health Referrals & Redirections
Buyer : nhs england
The procurement of a digital solution capable of facilitating direct bookings and referrals from North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) and North West Emergency Departments (EDs) into alternative Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) and community services. T ....
DurhamWorks (DurhamDirections) - Steps into Education Employment and Training
Buyer : durham county council
DurhamWorks (DurhamDirections) is looking to buy a programme of support and activities to find and engage young people who are currently not participating in education, employment or training (NEET). DurhamWorks(DurhamDirections) ultimately seeks to ....
DurhamWorks (DurhamDirections) - Functional Skills Qualifications
Buyer : durham county council
This contract is for English, Maths and ICT functional skills qualifications to be delivered to 16-19 year olds. This project is to be funded through the European Structural & Investment Funds (ESIF) . The Council is looking to procure provision of F ....
DurhamWorks (DurhamDirections) - Construction Employment Routeway including Cons ....
Buyer : durham county council
We are looking for a single provider and are welcoming bids to deliver a Construction employment routeway including the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) (as a minimum) with a focus on realistic opportunities for progression to Employme ....
Shape Changing Robotics: Current Status and Future Directions
Buyer : defence science and technology laboratory
Contract Awarded
Digitisation of Sailing Directions
Buyer : United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO)
The scope of this tender is to support systems used to manage data and create required outputs to produce paper and digital publications. Also, the development of new improved systems to deliver improved publication information to the mariner and pro ....
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