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Landfill Disposals Tax (Wales) Act 2017 Independent Review
Buyer : Welsh Government
The Welsh Government wishes to commission an evaluation of the LDT(Wales) Act 2017 to evaluate the effectiveness of the tax in supporting environmental policy in Wales since 2018. It is intended the review will cover the period the tax received Royal ....
Global Sales and Disposals Contract
Buyer : Unknown
Marketing services, recycling equipment, a service contract to support global overseas (excluding UK) sales, demilitarisation, recycling and disposals of surplus assets in operational and non-operational locations.
Asset Disposals Programme Valuation Service
The provision of valuation services to provide advice on the value of the Council's land and assets, valuations, completing Best Consideration reports and provide appropriation values. HRA and Other BCC assets as part of the £750m Asset Disposa ....
The purpose of this project is to conduct a comprehensive strategic review and disposal of underperforming, non-strategic, complex social housing assets. This will involve identifying, evaluating, and recommending alternative investment opportunities ....
Fleet Asset Disposals April 2024 - AWARD
Buyer : Bedford Borough Council
Bedford Borough Council (The Council) is inviting tenders for the provision of asset disposal of vehicles, equipment and parts stock that have reached end of life or are beyond economical repair. The current fleet includes small to large vans, refuse ....
708958452 - DIO Disposals Legal Support - TRANSPARENCY ONLY
Buyer : middlesbrough council
The consultant will provide a fixed asset valuation service.
Disposals of Surplus and Out of Life Munitions
Buyer : ministry of defence
Contract Award Notice CF
The Home Office is seeking to appoint a Supplier to undertake a process and initial impact evaluation of the out of court disposal (OOCD) expansion project in a select number of police forces in England and Wales from FY 2023/24 to the end of 2024/25 ....
PCT / SHA Legacy Disposals (H W Coates)
Buyer : nhs england
Provision of secure disposal for legacy PCT/SHA paper records
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