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Chiltern Railways Company Limited (CRCL) seek to procure the design, development, delivery, installation and commissioning of desk simulator systems : a Full-Cab Simulator & 6 x Ultra-light Simulation units for driver training on the Class 168 (poten ....
On behalf of the contracting authority, Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is seeking through this tender opportunity to invite potential Suppliers to tender for The Provision of Coach & Driver Hire Se ....
Maintenance of Infusion Devices including Volumetric Pumps, Syringe Pumps and Sy ....
Buyer : Business Services Organisation Procurement and Logistics Service
Maintenance of Infusion Devices including Volumetric Pumps, Syringe Pumps and Syringe Drivers (5817230)
Buyer : Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals Foundation NHS Trust
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (NNUH), in collaboration with Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) and James Paget University Hospital (JPUH), are seeking expressions of interest from suppliers who can provide a comprehensive ....
The Provision of Driver Plant & CPC Training
Buyer : Scottish Water
Lot 1 – Driver and Plant TrainingThe scope of the service will include:The provision of driver and plant training.Objectives:1. To deliver training to CPCS standards or equivalent for all new and existing candidates and register them on the appropr ....
Buyer : Jigsaw Homes Group
JHG require a company to check all its Employees driving licence on an annual basis and report any findings or discrepancies.
The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) seek a Contractor to facilitate the Delivery of Driver Educational Course Programmes on behalf of PSNI across Northern Ireland. The Contractor will be required to deliver the following Educational Courses ....
SEND Contracts in Lincolnshire
The hire of coach/minibus service with driver shall be used by Council Departments, to facilitate transportation throughout the year for various annual events and ad hoc journeys with seasonal activities such as Summer Schemes being the busiest and c ....
This notice is to provide prior notice to the market of the upcoming tender opportunity to provision of Delivery Assurance Team Services to the DVSA. This is not for the large-scale digital transformation work but for the assurance of that digital de ....
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