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eMarketplace to Facilitate Tailend Spend for NCG through integration with Amazon Business punch-out system.
Niche Upgrade Services via CCS eMarketplace RM6100 Lot 3
To provide continuity to the Government eMarketplace catalogue solution which currently hosts content from 9 CCS Commercial Agreements and is used as the route to market for direct awards.
eMarketplace for Tail End Spend
Buyer : Edinburgh College
Call of contract for Tail-End Spend from NEUPC Framework ITS2007 NE
Procurement eMarketplace, & eInvoicing software
Buyer : university of bristol
P2P Marketplace, eCatalogue and eInvoicing platform.
Continued provision of the existing eMarketplace cloud solution including: The Provision of implementation, configuration, development and support and access to the full end to end Test System for non- integrated customers and managed service custome ....
Emarketplace to facilitate tail end spend
Buyer : university of derby
This is a Contract Award Notice - Direct Award under the NEUPC emarketplace to facilitate tailend spend Contact Notice: 2021/S 159-421454.
eMarketplace to Facilitate Tailend Spend
Buyer : neupc ltd
The required eMarketplace is intended to be an established emarketplace which can manage and control tail end spend through P-Cards and improve compliance. This procurement would be seeking to compliment other systems in place and not compete against ....
Renewal of Goverment eMarketplace Solution
Adults Social Care eMarketplace
Buyer : Somerset County Council
Provision of a social care e marketplace
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