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Invitation to Tender for early Intervention support to improve positive educatio ....
Buyer : bedford borough council
To provide support on a group or individual basis to young people under 20 years of age resident in or attending an educational setting in Bedford Borough, who are struggling to engage positively with their educational placement due to any risk facto ....
Bord Iascaigh Mhara 2021-34 - Single Supplier Framework Agreement for the provis ....
Buyer : Bord Iascaigh Mhara - Irish Sea Fisheries Board ( BIM )
The Services comprise of the implementation of a wide range of interpretive and educational experiences and resources related to the historical or current Irish seafood industry and to areas of the Contracting Authority’s past or current work withi ....
Invitation to Tender for early Intervention support to improve positive educatio ....
Buyer : bedford borough council
To provide support on a group or individual basis to young people under 20 years of age resident in or attending an educational setting in Bedford Borough, who are struggling to engage positively with their educational placement due to any risk facto ....
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