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Buyer : peabody trust
Peabody ("Peabody") is seeking to appoint a single provider to be able to provide courier services from / to our corporate office sites on an ad-hoc basis as well as to be able to deliver items to Peabody staff members homes on request. In addition, ....
2020PQQFM - Facilites Management Services
Buyer : National Disability Authority (NDA)
The NDA plan to engage a high quality, comprehensive facilities management service for the premises at 25 Clyde Road, Dublin 4, which adheres to all legal and regulatory requirements and the relevant standards.
Levering af komplette faciliteter til arbejdspladsfornyelse.
Buyer : European Medicines Agency (EMA) (Det Europæiske Lægemiddelagentur)
Levering af komplette faciliteter til arbejdspladsfornyelse (1 primær og mindst 2 sekundære) indrettet med mindst 100 arbejdsstationer og tilhørende it- og telefonudstyr samt internet og Wi-Fi-forbindelse, blandt andre minimumskrav, der er anført ....
Buyer : peabody trust
Peabody ("Peabody") is seeking to appoint a single provider to be able to provide courier services from / to our corporate office sites on an ad-hoc basis as well as to be able to deliver items to Peabody staff members homes on request. In addition, ....
Buyer : Peabody Trust
Peabody (“Peabody”) is seeking to appoint a single provider to be able to provide courier services from / to our corporate office sites on an ad-hoc basis as well as to be able to deliver items to Peabody staff members homes on request. In additi ....
RA303218 - Gardening Machinery for Facilites
Buyer : Cwm Taf University Health Board
1 x Kubota G21E Hi-Tip2 X Danarm Pro Brushcutter VS450W-TLE481 x Toro 2019 3 speed 179cc Kawasaki 2 in 1 - Needed ASAPPlease include carriage charges in quote - To access this competition: login to and view the opport ....
Gyles Quay Caravan Park - Upgrading of Existing Playground Facilites
Buyer : Gyles Quay Caravan Park
Existing Playground to be upgraded (approx 400sq.m). Remover existing surface, provide stone and 50mm Tiger Mulch. Also existing Pitch to be upgraded to proposed Muga Pitch. Provide for football, basketball and chicane gate (approx. size 27.5m x 13m) ....
Buyer : London Borough of Brent
Brent Council seeks to deliver facilities management services through a single hard facilities management contract, the scope to be determined following this market engagement. The estate comprises of circa 25 properties with a total GIFA of approxim ....
The Sill Facilites Management Mechanical and Electrical Services
Buyer : Northumberland National Park Authority
A two year contract for the management, maintenance and servicing of all mechanical, electrical and plumbing services at The Sill National Landscape Discovery Centre, Military Road, Bardon Mill, Northumberland, NE7 6NN. The Sill is a new visitor attr ....
Levering af komplette faciliteter til arbejdspladsfornyelse.
Buyer : European Medicines Agency (EMA) (Det Europæiske Lægemiddelagentur)
Levering af komplette faciliteter til arbejdspladsfornyelse (1 primær og mindst 2 sekundære) indrettet med mindst 100 arbejdsstationer og tilhørende it- og telefonudstyr samt internet og Wi-Fi-forbindelse, blandt andre minimumskrav, der er anført ....
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