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Buyer : Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
RUH Bath is seeking a provider to run a gym facility the RUH site. At this stage, we are undertaking some market testing to engage providers who may be interested and equipment to support this proposal. The provider would be responsible for providing ....
COACH LANE: Coach Lane East - Heat pumps service manager. Atkins have been appointed via the NEPO framework to provide the project management and over sight for the heat pumps being installed by Equans.
PIN – DBOM procurement for a replacement Aquadrome and multi-facility leisure ....
Buyer : Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council is planning to go out to the market for a DBOM contract to replace the existing Aquadrome, for a health and leisure facility. The existing facility is located towards the west of the town centre on the Basingstok ....
Test facility for the assessment of irritant sprays in accordance with the Home Office Standard (23/14). Market Engagement Event. The Market Engagement Event will be conducted via a virtual format, on 17th July 2024 at 14:30 (BST). Please email colla ....
Test facility for the assessment of irritant sprays in accordance with the Home Office Standard (23/14). Market Engagement Event. The Market Engagement Event will be conducted via a virtual format, on 17th July 2024 at 14:30 (BST). Please email colla ....
Grand Union Housing Group (GUHG) is seeking to appoint an organisation to deliver planned external works and reactive external disabled facility works at properties owned and/ or managed by GUHG.Planned external work programmes are more often than no ....
Tenancy of the commercial cycle facility (bike shop) at Coed Y Brenin
Buyer : Cyngor Gwynedd Council
Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru (CNC) yn edrych i fynegi diddordeb gan ddarpar bartneriaid i redeg y cyfleuster beicio masnachol (siop feiciau) yng Nghoed Y Brenin, gan fod cyfnod y brydles bresennol yn dod i ben yn 2021. Mae'r cyfleuster pwrpasol yn 160m ....
Community Testing facility at Cardiff City Stadium to deliver the Governments co ....
Buyer : NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership
Community Testing facility at Cardiff City Stadium to deliver the Governments commitments to offering key workers a COVID-19 test.
Contract for Aerohive Hivemanager Maintenance & Support renewal
Buyer : City & County of Swansea
Swansea Council require renewal of its Aerohive HiveManager (Classic On-Premise) Licencing / Maintenance & support contract for the hardware listed below. Total 2117 APs.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional informa ....
Development of a Single Discharge 2 Assess/ step up:down facility
Buyer : Wrexham County Borough Council
Building upon the success of the CRT and the step up : down beds, Wrexham ASC and BCUHB are seeking to expand support for people who have nursing needs and who have been assessed as medically stable and no longer require a hospital setting to meet th ....
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